Article Summary
韩鹏1 赵昱1 王延辉2 梁媛媛1 刘阳1 杨润琴1 邓志宏1.声带组织切片方法的比较[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(8):1420-1422.
Comparison of Vocal Folds Section Methods in a Canine Model
中文关键词: 声带  水平位切片  冠状位切片  Masson 三色染色
英文关键词: Vocal folds  Coronal sections  Horizontal sections  Masson trichrome staining
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Peng1, ZHAO Yu1, WANG Yan-hui2, LIANG Yuan-yuan1, LIU Yang1, YANG Run-qin1, DENG Zhi-hong1△ 第四军医大学西京医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科中心 
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      目的:探讨犬声带冠状位切片与水平位切片各自的特点,为声带实验提供合适的切片方法。方法:家犬4 只,2 只取材后行冠 状位石蜡切片,2 只取材后行水平位石蜡切片。通过HE 染色观察声带固有层的一般组织结构,Masson 三色染色观察固有层中胶 原的排列情况。结果:HE 染色示冠状位、水平位切片均可见声带表面被覆复层鳞状上皮,固有层内有大量排列紧密的纤维组织, 纤维组织中夹杂少量腺体,固有层下方为肌层。冠状位切片可观察声带某一点冠状面固有层的情况,若观察整个声带的情况需声 带连续切片;水平位切片可在一张切片中观察到前联合、声带膜部及声带突部位的固有层情况,解剖标志明显,利于定位。Masson 三色染色示冠状位、水平位切片均可见固有层浅层有较细的胶原纤维束,中层有较粗的纤维束与较细的纤维束交织排列,深层纤 维束排列更紧密。结论:冠状位切片可观察声带某一点冠状面固有层的整体情况,水平位切片可在一张切片中观察到前联合、膜 部及声带突部位的固有层情况。
      Objective: To investigate the methods of vocal folds sections in a Canine model, and provide reliable section methods for vocal fold experiment. Methods: 4 dogs were chosen, 2 underwent coronal paraffin sections ,while 2 underwent horizontal paraffin sections. The general structure and the collagen of lamina propria (LP) were observed by HE staining and Masson trichrome staining. Results: In both coronal sections and horizontal sections the surface of vocal folds were covered with stratified squamous epithelium. There was a large number of tightly packed fibrous tissue mixed with a small amount of glands in the lamina propria, and beneath the LP was muscle layer . The coronal situation of LP can be observed in coronal sections, and serial sections will be needed to detect the whole situation of vocal folds. The anterior parts, membranous parts and vocal process of vocal folds can be observed in horizontal sections with obvious anatomical landmarks. Masson trichrome staining shows thinner collagen fiber bundles can be observed in the superficial layer of the LP, in the Middle layer thicker and thinner fiber bundles are arranged together, and in the deep layer the thick fiber bundles are arranged closely. Conclusion: The coronal situation of LP can be observed in coronal sections, and serial sections will be needed to observe the whole situation of vocal folds. The anterior parts, membranous parts and vocal process of vocal folds can be observed in horizontal sections with obvious anatomical landmarks.
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