Article Summary
Research on Formation Process of Membrane Tubes*
中文关键词: 生物膜泡  细管  数值法
英文关键词: Vesicle  Tubes  Numerical method
Author NameAffiliation
MU Ya-rong, KANG Wen-bin, ZHANG Shao-guang△ 陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院 
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      我们都知道磷脂双亲分子在水或者油溶液中会形成各种不同的形状。现在我们探讨的是一种细的管状生物膜泡。它通常是 指在磷脂双亲分子形成膜泡后,我们对它在显微镜下进行的一系列使用光镊施加拉力操作而形成的细的管状结构。实验显示,膜 泡形成的管状结构在生物学中是普遍存在的。本文主要研究怎样应用数值计算的方法进行模拟细的管状膜泡,从而得到一些长 短,粗细不同的管状生物膜泡。我们从极小曲面悬链面的角度出发,研究管状膜泡的形成结构特点。最后我们认为管状膜泡的形 成不同形状是与对膜泡施加拉力、细管的半径、以及管子的长度等因素有着密切的联系。
      We all know that the phospholipid amphiphile molecules can form a variety of different shape in aqueous or oil solution. Now we research a kind of the thin biological membrane tubes. They are common shows that we use the optical tweezers to pull on a series of force to the phospholipid amphiphile molecules vesicle in micromanipulation experiments and achieve the thin tubes. The experiment shows that vesicle formation of tubular structures are ubiquitous in biology. This paper mainly discusses how to apply the numerical method to simulate the thin membrane tubes, and then find out membrane tubes with different length and different thickness. We start from the point of minimal surfaces, researching the structure of membrane tubes. Finally, we suggest that the formation of the different membrane tubes are in close contact with the factors like tension, the radius and the length of the tubes.
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