Article Summary
谢菡1 葛卫红1△ 于峰2△.超声介导镇痛药物透皮吸收研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(9):1760-1762.
The new study of Ultrasound-Mediated Transdermal Analgesic Drugs
中文关键词: 超声  增透  镇痛药物  临床前试验  临床试验
英文关键词: Ultrasound-mediated  Analgesic drugs  Pre-clinical trials  Clinical trial
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Han1, GE Wei-hong1△, YU Feng2 南京大学附属鼓楼医院药剂 
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      现阶段,临床中常用的镇痛药物多采用口服或注射给药的方式,具全身不良反应多,患者依从性差等缺点,透皮给药作为一 种非侵入性给药方式,相对于这些有很多显著的优势,如使用方便,患者痛苦少等。但是,如何克服皮肤的低渗透性一直是该种给 药方式发展的瓶颈。近年来,使用超声能量增强镇痛药物在皮肤上的的渗透性成为新的研究热点,各项研究发现,低频超声对药 物的增透效果尤为显著。本文通过检索各国文献,对超声介导镇痛药物透皮吸收的原理,临床前试验和临床试验进行综述。
      Resently, the most of analgesic drugs used in oral or injection have lots of disadvantagement such as adverse reactions, poor patient compliance and so on. Transdermal drug delivery, a non-invasive drug delivery, has many significant advantages compared to the the traditional drug delivery. However, how to overcome the low permeability of the skin is the bottleneck of ultrasound-mediated transdermal. In recent years, enhance analgesic drugs permeability of the skin by ultrasonic energy become a new hotspot. Many researches found that the drug effect of low-frequency ultrasound to increase the permeability is particularly significant. This literature reviews the principles, pre-clinical trials and clinical trial of ultrasound-mediated transdermal analgesic.
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