Article Summary
李仲铭1 李雪涛1 叶宏1 张渊1 陈英杰1 李静华2△ 巴迎春1△.医学院校新生适应性问题的研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(12):2382-2388.
Study on Adaptability Among Students in Kunming Medical University
中文关键词: 大学新生  适应问题  心理健康教育
英文关键词: Freshmen  Adaptation problem  Psychological health education
Author NameAffiliation
LI Zhong-ming1, LI Xue-tao1, YE Hong1, ZHANG Yuan1, CHEN Ying-jie1, LI Jing-hua2△,BA Ying-chun1△ 昆明医学院人体解剖学教研室 
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      目的:在教育理论的指导下,通过问卷调查的形式对一年级学生的生活、学习、心理健康状况等方面的适应性问题进行调 研。方法:采用随机抽样的原则,以抽到的班级所有符合条件的大学新生作为调查对象。采用自制的一般人口学特征问卷、高考志 愿填报情况调查表、教学软硬件建设满意度调查表、目前学习状况及未来就业去向调查表、症状自评量表对46 名大学新生进行 调查。结果:调查班级学生中,多数学生来自农村家庭;与“70 版、80 后”相比,“90 后”学生在职业选择方面具有更多的自主选择 权;对学校在软硬条件方面亦提出更高的要求;受限于近期个人目标,缺乏长远人生目标,可持续发展能力差。心理问题阳性检出 率为24%,排名在前4 位的心理健康问题依次是:强迫、抑郁、焦虑、躯体化,男女生表现个有不同。结论:传统教育思维仍试图在 极短时间里完成适应性教育工作,致使抽象理论与学生现实需求相脱节。陌生的环境、迥然不同的学习方式、全方位转变的人际 关系使得新生心理问题出现叠加性、多重性的特点。相关部门应改变适应教育模式,建立新生适应教育活动的长期反馈机制和评 估体系,才能更好的服务于新生教育工作。
      Objective: To explore the relationship between adaptability of college students and the related factors, and to provide evidence for developing health education. Methods: 46 students from freshmen by stratification sampling were assessed according to demographic questionnaire, intention for university questionnaire, satisfaction questionnaire, occupation selection intents and employment status questionnaire and Symptom Check List 90 ( SCL-90). Results: Most students come from Lower-middle Class of the Countryside. Autonomous Rights of Specialized Subject were larger than that of senior. Lots of students are short of professional angle. 24% of the students were found to have psychological problems, their psychological problems mainly are concentrated in obsession, depression, anxiety, somatization with sex difference. Conclusions: After entering college, freshmen may have many difficulties. College should take effective action in the education of adaptation and should strengthen freshmen's psychological health education and pay attention to the students of special groups.
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