李斐 赵捷 贾慧琳 张春云 朱晓磊.利用Poincare 散点图法检测t 波交替的指标研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(14):2668-2671. |
利用Poincare 散点图法检测t 波交替的指标研究 |
A Study of Indexes of Poincare Scatter in the Detectionof T-wave Alternans |
DOI: |
中文关键词: Poincare 散点图 t 波交替 心电图 定性指标 定量指标 |
英文关键词: Poincare scatter T-wave alternans ECG Qualitative indexes Quantitative indexes |
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010HM020);济南市科技发展计划项目(201102005) |
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中文摘要: |
目的:利用Poincare 散点图进行t 波交替检测,不仅从形态上找到检测标准,进一步研究散点中有效的定量指标。方法:以
European ST-T Database 标准心电数据库和MIT-BIH 心律失常数据库的心电信号作为检测对象,以128 个连续心拍的t 波中的7
个点为检测数据,相邻心拍t 波差分后组成新序列,并由差分序列作出散点图,观察散点形态。根据形态区别和t 波交替的幅值变
化特点,利用个散点到x+y=0 直线的距离均值作为定量检测指标D0,为避免不同心电信号幅值影响,D0 除以RQ 峰值差为最终
指标D,找出合适阈值判定是否存在t 波交替,并与谱分析法的检测结果比较分析。结果:①从Poincare 散点图形态上,存在t 波
交替的散点图与正常t 波存在明显区别,存在t 波交替则散点集中在以x+y=0 为轴线的附近,形成类似椭圆的狭长形状;而正常t
波形成的散点会以原点为中心均匀分布,散点形态为圆形。②由t 波交替的特点和散点图形态可知,定量检测指标D 越小,就越
有可能存在t 波交替。经过大量仿真测试和谱分析法的比较,规定检测标准为,当D<=35uv 时,存在t 波交替;指标D 与谱分析法
的结论相吻合,并且两种方法的判定结果由kappa 一致性检验,一致性程度好,进一步说明D 指标具有优越的敏感性,是t 波交替
检测的有效指标。结论:Poincare 散点图的散点分布形态和散点到x+y=0 轴线的距离均值分别是是t 波交替有效的定性和定量检
测指标。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To research the effective indexes of Poincare scatter in the detection of T-wave alternans (TWA), not only
form the geometric pattern, but also from the quantitative index. Methods: Continuous 128 Beats electrocardiosignal(ECG) from MIT/BIH
Arrhythmia database and European ECG ST-T database was read, and 7 sampling points from every t wave were selected to make a
initial sample series. A new sequence with subtraction between adjacent beats of initial samples was used to draw a Poincare scatter.
According to the different geometric patterns and the peculiarity of TWA, a new quantitative index was defined as D0 that was the mean
distance from each point to the straight line x+y=0. To avoid the influence made by amplitude from different ECG, the final index D was
that D0 divided the difference between Q and R peaks. Then D was compared with the results of spectral method (SM)and appropriate
threshold value was selected to recognize TWA. Results: ①The Poincare maps of ECG with TWA were greatly different from those of
the normal. If there were TWA , the points mainly located in a long and narrow area which was near the straight line x+y=0.While normal
ECG would show us a evenly distributed round whit the origin as the center. ② The likelihood of TWA existing increased with D value
diminution. After abundant experiment, the standards were defined as follow: When mean distance D<=35uv, there was TWA .A
significant coherence was found between D the Stwa though kappa consistency test. Conclusion: Poincare scatter is a good method for
the detection of TWA, and the geometric pattern and the mean distance D are effective qualitative and quantitative indexes. |
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