Article Summary
孙桂英 邢益平 李军 周东辉 翁亚丽.不明原因发热的临床综合诊断[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(14):2760-2762.
The Comprehensive Clinical Diagnosis of Fever of Unknown Origin
中文关键词: 不明原因发热  感染  诊断  肿瘤
英文关键词: Fever of unknown origin  Diagnosis  Infectious diseases  Tumors
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Gui-ying, XING Yi-ping, LI Jun, ZHOU Dong-hui, WENG Ya-li 南京医科大学第一附属医院感染科 
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      不明原因发热是临床常见疑难疾病,其定义随着疾病种类的不断变化及诊断流程的进步而逐步完善。不明原因发热(fever of unknown origin, FUO)病因包括感染性疾病、风湿免疫性疾病及肿瘤性疾病三大类,三大病因各自具有不同临床特征。详细病史 采集、全面体格检查及常规实验室检查对诊断FUO 至关重要,必要时应及时进行相关影像学及病理学检查,疾病的最终诊断应 综合分析病史及实验室检查。
      Fever of unknown origin is a common clinical difficult and complicated diseases. Its definition has been gradually improved with the changing of the type of illness and the progress of the diagnostic process. The main causes of FUO include infectious diseases, rheumatoid autoimmune diseases and neoplastic diseases. The three major causes have different clinical features. Detailed history taking, comprehensive physical examination and routine laboratory tests are essential in the diagnosis of FUO. Imaging and pathological examination should be taken in timely. The final diagnosis of the disease should be a comprehensive analysis of medical history and laboratory tests.
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