Article Summary
杨竹洁1 龚伟2 王稼颖1 陈亦如1 陈亮1.定期血糖监测对糖尿病患者血糖控制及生活方式的影响[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(15):2925-2927.
Impact of Regular Blood Glucose Monitoring on Blood Glucose Control andLifestyle of Diabetic Patients
中文关键词: 老年  2 型糖尿病  血糖监测  生活方式
英文关键词: Elder  Type 2 diabetes  Blood glucose monitoring  Lifestyle
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Zhu-jie1, GONG Wei2, WANG Jia-ying1, CHEN Yi-ru1, CHEN Liang1 上海市徐汇区徐家汇街道社区卫生服务中心 
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      目的:探讨定期血糖监测对糖尿病血糖控制及生活方式的影响。方法:随机抽取我中心2010-2011 年度确诊的老年2 型糖 尿病患者110 例,随机分为干预组和对照组,每组各55 例;2 组均接受正规降糖药物治疗及生活方式指导,干预组每周进行一次 血糖监测,每3 个月测一次糖化血红蛋白,对照组按患者意愿测定血糖指标,通过12 个月的观察,研究两组患者在血糖控制及生 活方式上的差异。结果:干预组患者空腹血糖(FPG)由定期监测血糖前的(7.26±1.36)mmol/L 降至(6.68±1.10)mmol/L;餐后2 小时血糖(2HPG) 由定期监测血糖前的(12.34±2.29)mmol/L 降至(11.09±1.98)mmol/L;糖化血红蛋白由监测前的(7.99± 1.61)%降至(6.60±0.87)%;差异具有显著性(P<0.05);生活方式亦有明显改善,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);而对照组的改变不如 干预组。结论:通过定期血糖监测可以有效地控制血糖、糖化血红蛋白,促使老年2 型糖尿病患者改变不良生活方式。
      Objective: To investigate the impact of regular blood glucose monitoring on diabetic blood glucose control and lifestyle. Methods: We randomly selected 110 cases of elderly type 2 diabetic patients who have been confirmed by CHSC(Community Health Service Center) in 2010-2011. They were randomly divided into intervention and control groups, 55 cases respective. Both groups received regular Glucose-lowering drugs and life style directions. The intervention group also received regular blood glucose monitoring every week and Glycosylated hemoglobin assay every 3 months, while the control group had glycemic index test according to their own wishes. Observe them for 12 months and study the difference of glycemic control and lifestyle between the two groups. Results: The intervention group had the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) decreased from7.26±1.36 mmol/L to 6.68±1.10 mmol/L, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose (2hPG) from 12.34±2.29 mmol/L to 11.09±1.98 mmol/L, and glycosylated hemoglobin from 7.99±1.61% to 6.60±0.87% , and their way of life was significantly improved, showing significant difference (P <0.05). But the change in the control group was not as good as that in the intervention group. Conclusions: Regular monitoring can effectively control the blood glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin, and can prompt the elderly type 2 diabetic patients to improve their unhealthy lifestyle.
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