Article Summary
戴淼1 张静波1 王丽丽1 娄玉红2 宋淑平3△.心脏外科术后使用无创呼吸机患者的集束护理体会[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(17):3329-3331.
Reflection on Applying Centreline Bundle on Continuous PositiveAirway Pressure (CPAP) On Post-Cardiac Operation Patients
中文关键词: 心脏外科  无创呼吸机  集束护理
英文关键词: Cardiac surgery  Non-invasive ventilator  Cluster care
Author NameAffiliation
DAI Miao1, ZHANG Jing-bo1, WANG Li-li1, LOU Yu-hong2, SONG Shu-ping3△ 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
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      目的:探讨机械通气患者拔管后使用呼吸机无创呼吸机所给予的集束护理干预方法。方法:选取2010 年10 月至2011 年10 月心脏外科术后首次拔管后应用无创呼吸的病人,总结其拔管后使用无创呼吸机的集束护理经验。结果:针对使用无创呼吸机患 者,集束护理策略可大大减少其不良并发症,并缩短其在ICU 的住院时间,大大地提高了其生活质量。结论:无创呼吸机的应用 有赖于患者的积极配合及医护人员的熟练操作,也有赖于护士的自身素质和观察能力,而根据无创呼吸机指南制定出的集束护 理策略的应用,可减少患者的并发症,缩短其住院时间,提高患者的生活质量,具有临床意义,值得普遍推广
      Objective: Investigate the effects of Centreline Bundle intervention on mechanical ventilation Patients who used CPAP after removal of tubes. Methods: Build medical journals for mechanical ventilation Patients who used CPAP after removal of tubes and reflect on the relative nursing experience. Results: For the CPAP Patients, Centreline Bundle Strategies significantly reduce the incidence of undesirable clinical symptoms and duration in ICU and largely increased quality of life of the patients. Conclusion: The effectiveness of CPAP depends on the cooperation of the patients and the skills of nursing staff. It also depends on individual nurse's merit and ability to observe. The Centreline Bundle Strategies, which is designed to complement CPAP, helps to reduce the incidence of undesirable clinical symptoms and duration in ICU and largely increased quality of life of the patients. These strategies generate material clinical benefit and should be encouraged.
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