Article Summary
Impact of Orthodontic Treatment on Pulpal Vitality of TraumaticMaxillary Incisors
中文关键词: 正畸治疗  上颌切牙  外伤史  牙髓活力
英文关键词: Orthodontic treatment  Maxillary incisors  Trauma history  Pulp necrosis.
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Pei-hui, PENG Shao-bin, DONG Hui, ZHOU Shun-cheng, ZHANG Ming-ye, DING Yin△ 第四军医大学口腔医学院正畸科 
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      目的:研究正畸矫治对上颌外伤切牙牙髓活力的影响。方法:选取我院正畸科2006~2011 年期间的病例60 例,并按上颌切 牙有无外伤史分为正畸外伤组和正畸无外伤组两组;选取我院牙体牙髓科2008-2011 年期间上颌切牙有外伤但未行RCT(Root canal treatment)的病例30 例,设为外伤无正畸组组。对三组间上颌切牙所患牙髓坏死的机率进行比较。结果:正畸外伤组与正畸 无外伤组有显著性差别(P<0.01),正畸外伤组与外伤无正畸组亦有显著性差别(P<0.05)。而正畸无外伤组与外伤无正畸组没有 显著性差别(P>0.05)。结论:正畸治疗患者中,有严重牙周损伤史的上颌切牙患牙髓坏死的机率要明显高于无外伤史的上颌切 牙。
      Objective: To detect the impact of orthodontic treatment on pulpal vitality of traumatic maxillary incisors. Methods: The cases were collected from Department of orthodontics and Department of dental pulpal, Stomatological College, Fourth Military Medical University during the period 2006 to 2011, and were divided into three groups: orthodontic traumatic group, orthodontic no-traumatic group and trauma group. The pulpal necrosis probabilities of the three groups were compared with each other, respectively. Results: There was significant difference between the orthodontic traumatic group and the orthodontic no-traumatic group (P<0.01), which was more distinguished than the difference between the orthodontic traumatic group and the trauma group (P<0.059). No significant difference was observed between the orthodontic no-traumatic group and trauma group (P>0.05). Conclusion: Orthodontic treatment of patients, with severe periodontal injury history of maxillary incisors have more chances to take pulp necrosis than those without trauma.
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