Article Summary
周明东1,2 杨院平1,2 张金敏1,2 莫莉花1,2 仝巧云1,.尼龙绳与钛夹在预防内镜下切除大肠宽蒂息肉术后出血的疗效 和安全性的比较[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(20):3867-3869.
尼龙绳与钛夹在预防内镜下切除大肠宽蒂息肉术后出血的疗效 和安全性的比较
Efficacy and Safety of Endoloop and Titanium Clips in PreventingHemorrhage of Endoscopy for Colorectal Wide-PediclePolyps Removal
中文关键词: 大肠息肉  尼龙绳  钛夹  出血
英文关键词: Colorectal polyps  Endoloop  Titanium clips  Hemorrhage
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Ming-dong1,2, YANG Yuan-ping1,2, ZHANG Jin-min1,2, MO Li-hua1,2, TONG Qiao-yun1,2 三峡大学第一临床医学院 
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      目的:比较尼龙绳和钛夹在预防大肠宽蒂息肉切除后出血的疗效和安全性的比较。方法:从2005 年1 月至2011 年9 月连 续选择155 例患大肠宽蒂息肉和有蒂且顶部直径大于10mm 息肉的患者。随机分为3 组。A 组(53 例),将尼龙绳套扎息肉的基底 部,然后使用常规的套圈器进行息肉电切术。B 组(52 例),使用常规的套圈器进行息肉电切术,然后残端使用钛夹缝合。C 组(50 例),使用常规的套圈器进行息肉电切术。结果:所有息肉均成功摘除。A 组和B 组1 例出血;C 组5 例出血,其中1 例需要手术干 预。结论:大肠宽蒂息肉常规圈套器进行息肉电切术具有较大的出血风险;尼龙绳和钛夹对内镜下切除大肠宽蒂息肉术后出血具 有良好的预防作用。
      Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoloop and titanium clips in preventing hemorrhage of endoscopy for colorectal polyps. Methods: Total 155 cases of colorectal polyps with wide-pedicle or the diameter of polyps being larger than 10mm were conducted from January 2005 to September 2011.These patients were divided into 3 groups. 53 basals of the polyps (endoloop group) were nipped with endoloop before high- frequency electrosection. 52 basals of the polyps (Titanium clip group) were excised with high- frequency electrosection before nipping with Titanium clips. 50 basals of the polyps (control group) were conducted normal highfrequency electrosection. Results: All cases of heterotopic pancreas were resected successfully. 1 case had bleeding in endoloop group and so in Titanium clip group; while 5 cases had bleeding in control group.1 case needed surgical intervention in control group. Conclusion: Endoscopy for colorectalwide-pedicle polyps removalwere easy bleedingwith normal highfrequency electrosection. Endoloop and titanium clips were effective and safe method in preventing hemorrhage of endoscopy for colorectal Wide-Pedicle polyps removal.
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