Article Summary
凌云1 戎隆富2,3 程婷2 许培2 宋礼华2,3.脂质体在抗癌药物给药系统中的研究和应用[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(20):3995-4000.
The Researches and Applications of Liposomes for Deliveryof Anticancer Agent
中文关键词: 脂质体  抗癌药物  给药系统  产业化  应用
英文关键词: Liposomes  Anticancer agent  DDS  Industrialization  Application
Author NameAffiliation
LING Yun1, RONG Long-fu2,3, CHENG Ting2, XU Pei2, SONG Li-hua2,3 安徽中医学院药学院 
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      癌症,是现今威胁人类健康的一大杀手,目前常规的治疗手段之一是予以大剂量的化疗药物进行治疗。但大多数抗癌药物 因具有广泛而强烈的细胞毒性,在杀伤癌细胞的同时也无选择性的杀伤了正常人体细胞,使得患者在接受治疗的同时承受了较 大的痛苦,降低了癌症患者的生存质量。因而在药剂学研究中,须以提高药效、增强靶向性及降低毒副作用等为目标,合理地选择 和开发抗癌药物给药系统。自脂质体作为新型药物传递技术引入癌症治疗以来,因其独特的理化性质和递药机理,高效低毒地递 送抗癌药物至病灶,因而成为现今抗癌药物给药系统研究中的热点。本文结合国内外的相关资料和最新报道,综述了脂质体抗癌 药物的递药优势、研究进展与存在的问题,并在分析了产业化现状的基础上,对这一新型给药系统在抗癌药物递送领域中的发展 做一展望。
      Cancer is one of the major threats to human health. Treatment with high-dose chemotherapeutic agent is one of the conventional therapies. However, most of the anticancer agents with highly cytotoxic activity are also cytotoxic to common cells in cancer therapy. Patients often suffer from the adverse reactions while undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment, thus the living quality of patients is reduced. Pharmaceuticals researchers should select and aim at the drug delivery system with high-effectiveness, enhancedtargeting and low side reaction. Liposomes, as its unique physics and chemistry properties and drug delivery mechanism, have been a hot topic in the use and research of anticancer agent delivery system. This review combining with recent foreign and domestic data, mainly focuses on the advantages of liposomal drug delivery system, research progress and formulations problems. Based on analyzing the industrialization of liposomes, we prospect the development of this new DDS in anticancer drug deliver research.
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