Article Summary
The Development of Pharmacognosy Research in Coix
中文关键词: 薏苡  进化  分类  细胞学  生药学
英文关键词: Coix  Evolution  Classification  Cytology  Pharmacognosy
Author NameAffiliation
YUAN Jian-na, ZHANG Xiao-hua, GUO Ming-ye, PAN Ji-yang, WANG Ling-zhi△ 北京中医药大学 
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      薏苡(Coix lacryma-Jobi (Roman.) Stapf )为禾本科蜀黍族薏苡属植物,其果仁薏苡仁是我国传统中药材之一, 具有利水渗湿,健脾止泻,清热排脓之功效。目前对薏苡的研究主要集中在药理活性和功能食品开发方面,缺乏对其生药学的系 统研究。因此长期以来对薏苡的研究存在着起源不清、品种杂乱、种质资源利用欠佳等问题。近年来随着分子生物学的蓬勃发展, 多种现代生物技术已用于薏苡种质资源鉴定和遗传多样性的研究,为薏苡资源的保护和可持续发展提供了支持。本文就薏苡的 起源与进化,种属分类,细胞学和分子生物学研究进展加以综述,从分子水平揭示薏苡遗传结构及与近缘植物的亲缘关系,为明 确薏苡今后种质资源的开发和优异基因的利用提供理论依据。
      Coix lacryma-Jobi (Roman.) Stapf is a member of grass family in the tribe Maydeae. Coix seed is one of the traditional Chinese medicines and has various efficacies, like clearing damp and promoting diuresis, invigorating spleen and checking diarrhea, clearing heart and eliminating pus. But the research on Coix mainly focuses on the pharmacological activity and development of functional food, and the research on pharmacognosy is not so much. There exist many problems such as unclear origin, chaos of varieties, inaccurate use of germplasm resources for a long time. With the vigorous development of molecular biology in recent years, a variety of modern biotechnology has been used for pharmacognosy study of Coix and this provides strong support for the protection and sustainable development of Coix genetic resource. This article summarizes the origin and evolution, classification, cytology and pharmacognosy research progress of Coix, in order to reveal genetic structure and phylogenetic relationship with related species from the molecular level, and also to provide guidance for the development and use of the excellent genes of Coix germplasm resources.
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