Article Summary
顾凡磊 赵瑞芳 季志英 吴哈 李益卫.儿童化学发光免疫分析中稀释方法的探讨[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(1):114-116.
The Discussion of Dilution Method in Children usingChemiluminescent Immunoassay
中文关键词: 稀释  化学发光免疫分析  儿童
英文关键词: Dilution  Chemiluminescent Immunoassay  Children
Author NameAffiliation
GU Fan-lei, ZHAO Rui-fang, LI Zhi-ying, Wu Ha, LI Yi-wei 复旦大学附属儿科医院核医学科 
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      Objective: To address the problem of undersampling in child chemiluminescene immunoassay by investigating the influence of dilution mediumand method on detection of serumtriiodothyronine(Total T3) concentration. Method:Serumtriiodothyronine (Total T3) concentration, a routinely screened indicator in children physical examinations, was tested. Serum samples were collected from 30 children. UniCel DXI800 appliance produced by Beckman Coulter Inc was used to test the concentration of serum triiodothyronine as diluted two and four times by Access Total T3 Calibrators S0 (TT3S0), 0.9 %sodium chloride injection, and sterile water for injection respectively. By comparing the concentration test results before and after dilution, the matrix effect on test results was investigated. Based on the experimental results, the workable diluents and dilution multiples can be identified to be applied in medical tests.Results: Paired t-tests between before-and after-dilution groups showed that the difference is statistically insignificant in samples diluted by TT3S0 two times (t=0.7937, P>0.05), TT3S0 four times dilution (t= -0.2503, P>0.05), and sterile water two times dilution (t= -0.2845, P>0.05). The difference is statistically significant in samples diluted by 0.9 %sodium chloride injection two times (t= -6.4686, P<0.05), 0.9 %sodium chloride injection four times (t= -3.9842, P<0.05) and sterile water four times (t= -1.9957, P<0.05). Conclusions: TT3S0 two times and four times dilution, as well as sterile water two times dilution can work as satisfactory dilution method.TT3S0 can be diluted 2 or 4 times to be applied as dilution medium. When it is difficult to get access to the above dilution medium, sterile water two times dilution can also be used.
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