Article Summary
辛延 刘美娇 姜华 赵伟娟 封蕊.自我效能改善白血病晚期患者生活质量的应用[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(9):1747-1750.
Application of Self-efficacy in Improving the Quality of Life in Patients withAdvanced Leukemia
中文关键词: 白血病晚期患者  自我效能  生活质量
英文关键词: Care  Self-efficiency  Quality of life
Author NameAffiliation
XIN Yan, LIU Mei-jiao, JIANG Hua,ZHAO Wei-juan, FENG Rui 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院血液内科 
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      目的:在自我效能理论指导下对白血病晚期患者改进护理措施,改善其生活质量。方法:采用目的性抽样,对2010 年1 月至 2012 年5 月间异常的患者,通过gses 表格内容,supph 测评内容评估,在临床医生和心理医生的指导下改善传统护理方法,对每 个患者出现的不适症状分别对待,使患者意识到需要接受挑战而坚持到底的毅力,使患者相信自身对疾病的可控感。结果:根据 护理评价结果建立新措施体系,结果显示抑郁得分显著高于国内常模,自我效能总分与抑郁总分无明显线性相关;作出决策维度 与躯体性障碍存在负相关性(r=-0.319,P<0.05);积极态度分别与抑郁总分(r=0.345,P<0.05)、躯体性障碍(r=0.322,P<0.05)存 在正相关性。自我效能可改善白血病晚期患者生活质量,测评结果显示及专业医生的积极评价说明其具有可信度。结论:异常变 化的microRNA可能对高糖诱导的腹膜间皮细胞EMT 具有重要调控作用。
      Objective:Using advanced nursing interventions treat with Leukemia patients under the guidance of self-efficacy theory, to improve their quality of life.Methods:Among patients between January of 2010 and May of 2012, to improve the traditional methods of care under the guidance of clinicians and psychiatrist using the purposive sampling, by gses table of contents, supph evaluation assessment. Discriminating treatment make the patients be aware of the need of challenges and persistence, and the control performance to diseases.Results:According to the the nursing evaluation results to create a new system of measures. The results indicated that the scores of depression was high significantly than the national norm. No significant difference was found between the scores of self- efficacy and that of depression. Negative correlation was found between making decision and somatic disorder (r=-0. 319,P<0.05). Positive correlative property was seen between positive attitude and the scorse of depression(r=0.345,P<0.05), somatic disorder(r=0.322,P<0.05).Conclusion:Evaluation results show that high and professional medical evaluation system, credible.
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