Article Summary
王可敬1 赵山明2 王方1 孙厚坦1 寇俊峰1.脐血干细胞治疗失代偿期肝硬化的疗效及对门静脉血流动力学的影响*[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(15):2921-2924.
The Effect of Transplantation of Human Umbilical Cord Blood StemCell onDecompensated Cirrhosis*
中文关键词: 脐血  干细胞  肝硬化
英文关键词: Human umbilical cord blood  Stemcell  Decompensated cirrhosis
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Ke-jing, ZHAO Shan-ming, WANG Fang,SUN Hou-tan, KOU Jun-feng 1 兰州军区总医院安宁分院感染科甘肃兰州7300702 石家庄市空军93498 部队卫生队河北石家庄050071 
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      摘要目的:观察脐血干细胞治疗失代偿期肝硬化的疗效及对门静脉血流动力学的影响。方法:选取30 例失代偿期肝硬化患者, 用负收集法分离提取脐带血干细胞,经股动脉穿刺插管,从肝固有动脉缓慢注入。同时选择20 例失代偿期肝硬化患者,分别于治 疗前,治疗后1 周、1个月、3 个月、6 个月观察肝功能、凝血指标、AFP、CT 肝脏容积、门静脉血流动力学等指标。结果:干细胞治疗 组与对照组同期比较:白蛋白治疗后4、12、24 周明显改善,PT 治疗后12、24 周降低;AFP 治疗后4、12、24 周升高;两组患者治疗 前后门静脉血流动力学参数变化差异无统计学意义;肝脏体积治疗组与对照组同期比较,肝脏体积有增大趋势但差异无统计学 意义;治疗组1 例第10 周确诊为原发性肝细胞癌,与对照组比较差异无统计学意义。结论:脐血干细胞治疗失代偿期肝硬化可以 改善肝脏的合成功能,促进肝组织再生,有新生血管重建情况发生,未发现门静脉血流动力参数的改变。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To explore the clinical effect of transplantation of umbilical cord blood stem cell on decompensated cirrhosis. Methods:Umbilical cord blood stem cells were transplanted by intervention via proper hepatic artery and intravenous infusion in 30 patients with decompensated cirrhosis. The changes of liver functions, such as total bilirubin(TBil), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin (Alb) and prothrombin time (PT), the portal system hememodynamics, and hepatic volume were detected at the time point of pre-treatment and 1st, 4th, 12nd, and 24th week of post-treatment. Results:There were significant differences in levels of Alb between pre-and 4th, 12nd, and 24th week of post-operations in treated group, as well as PT and AFP; Compared with control group, there were also significant differences at levels of Albbetween pre-treatment and 4th, 12nd, and 24th week of post-operations in treated group, as well as PT and AFP. The volume of liver in treatment group enlarged compared with that of control group; However, the portal system hememody- namics didn't change after trans-dlantation of human umbilical cord blood stemceils. No obvious adverse reactions and complications were noted during or after operation.Conclusion: Umbilical cord blood stemcell transplantation is a safe treatment for decompensated cirrhosis and can play a temporary role in supporting liver.
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