Article Summary
于洋 李众利 白晓伟 傅仰木 廖伟雄 郭晓东.关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后翻修的临床研究(附14 例报告)[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(16):3066-3068.
关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术后翻修的临床研究(附14 例报告)
Clinical Study on Renovation after Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate LigamentReconstruction (Report of 14 Cases)
中文关键词: 关节镜  前交韧带重建术  翻修  综合评价
英文关键词: Arthroscopy  ACL reconstruction  Renovation  Comprehensive evaluation
Author NameAffiliation
YU Yang, LI Zhong-li, BAI Xiao-wei, FU Yang-mu, LIAO Wei-xiong, GUO Xiao-dong 解放军医学院
解放军第252 医院骨关节外科
解放军第302 医院 
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      目的:探讨关节镜下前交叉韧带(ACL)重建术后翻修手术的开展方式和临床效果。方法:我院2009 年1 月~2012 年9 月共 收治ACL 重建后失稳需翻修的患者14 例,均给予关节镜下检查以及翻修手术,术后对患者的治疗情况采用Lysholm 评分、 Tegner 评分、KT-2000 及IKDC 进行综合评价。结果:患者的KT-2000 检查中术前屈曲30° 为5.2mm,屈曲90° 为3.3mm,术后 屈曲30° 为3.0mm,屈曲90° 为1.6mm;IKDC 评分术前为(50± 5)分,术后为(72± 8)分;Lysholm 评分术前为(51± 15)分,术后 为(77± 19)分;Tegner评分术前为(2.6± 0.6)分,术后为(4.8± 1.2)分。手术前后对比均有显著差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05),表 明术后患者的膝关节功能明显增强。结论:对ACL 重建术失败患者给予术后的翻修可以有效改善患者膝关节功能。
      Objective:To study the implement methods and clinical effects of renovation after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Methods:14 cases with postoperative instability after ACL construction who were treated in our hospital fromJanuary 2009 to September 2012 were enrolled and taken the arthroscopic examination and revision surgery. Lysholmscore, Tegner score, KT-2000 and IKDC were used for the postoperative comprehensive evaluation.Results:The pre-operative KT-2000 examination technique flexion 30 ° was 5.2mm, flexion 90 ° was 3.3mm, the postoperative flexion 30 ° was 3.0mmand flexion 90 ° was 1.6mm; the pre-operative IKDC score was (50± 5) and postoperative score was (72± 8); the Lysholm score before surgery was (51± 15) and (77± 19) after the surgery; the Tegner score before surgery was (2.6± 0.6) and (4.8± 1.2) after the surgery. The differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:The renovation surgery after the failure of ACL reconstruction can improve knee function.
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