Article Summary
Clinical Effect Observation of Hysteroscopic Operationin the Treatment of Patients with Abnormal Menstruation Causedby Cesarean Scar Defect
中文关键词: 宫腔镜手术  剖宫产瘢痕缺陷  月经异常  疗效
英文关键词: Hysteroscope operation  Cesarean scar defect  Abnormal menstruation  Effect
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Fang, LIAN Xiao-qin, WEN Bao-ning,ZHONG Qian, ZHANG Wei-jian 广东省江门市中心医院妇科广东江门529000 
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      摘要目的:研究宫腔镜手术(hysteroscope operation,HO)对剖宫产瘢痕缺陷(Cesarean scar defect,CSD)所致月经异常(abnormal menstruation,AM)病患的临床疗效。方法:选择我院2009 年7 月-2013 年7 月收治的200 例CSD 所致AM病患进行观察,以数 字法随机分2 组。观察组(100 例)给予HO 治疗,对照组(100例)实施保守疗法。比较两组病患月经持续时间,月经流血量以及疗 效情况。结果:观察组月经持续时间为(6.65± 1.18)d,月经流血量为(63.24± 10.49)mL,较对照组的(8.63± 1.08)d,(81.62± 11.52) ml,明显更低;观察组显效率为72.00%(72/100),总有效率为90.00%(90/100);较对照组的51.00%(51/100),74.00%(74/100),明 显更高;差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:HO 治疗CSD 所致AM病患疗效显著,值得临床推广。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To study clinical effect observation of hysteroscopic operation in the treatment of patients with abnormal menstruation caused by cesarean scar defect.Methods: 200 cases of AMcaused by CSD in our hospital fromJuly 2009 to July 2013 were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The observation group was treated by HO while the control group received conservative therapy. The duration of menstruation, menstrual bleeding amount, and the efficacy of the two groups were compared. Results:The observation group's menstrual duration was [(6.65 ± 1.18) d], menstrual bleeding volume was [(63.24 ± 10.49) ml], which were lower than the control group of [(8.63 ± 1.08) d, (81.62 ± 11.52) ml]. The observation group's effectual rate was [72% (72/100)], total efficiency rate was [90% (90/100)], which were higher than the control group of [51% (51/100), 74% (74/100)]. The differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion:HO presents effective in patients with AM caused by CSD, it is worthy of wide clinical application.
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