Article Summary
李静宜 金影 姜越 辛德莉.106 例宫颈炎患者支原体检测及抗生素敏感性分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(18):3473-3475.
106 例宫颈炎患者支原体检测及抗生素敏感性分析
Analysis of Detection and Antibiotic Susceptibility Results of 106Cases with Cervicitis
中文关键词: 宫颈炎  支原体  药敏试验
英文关键词: Cervicitis  Mycoplasma  Susceptibility testing
Author NameAffiliation
LI Jing-yi,JING Ying, JIANG Yue, XIN De-li 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院北京热带医学研究所
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      目的:对本地区宫颈炎患者解脲脲原体(Uu)和人型支原体(Mh)进行监测,分析抗生素敏感情况,为临床诊疗提供实验依 据。方法:无菌采集宫颈炎患者宫颈分泌物,用支原体培养、鉴定、药敏试剂盒进行培养和药敏试验。结果:支原体总检出率为 71.70 %。Uu 检出率为52.83 %,Uu 合并Mh 检出率16.04 %,Mh 检出率为2.83 %。56 例单纯Uu 株体外抗生素敏感性显示:对四 环素族多西环素100 %、美满霉素98.21 %高度敏感;对大环内酯类敏感性不一:克拉霉素96.43 %,阿奇霉素91.07 %,交沙霉素 76.79 %,红霉素67.86 %,罗红霉素32.14 %;对喹诺酮类如加替沙星83.93 %较敏感,而对左氧氟沙星,司帕沙星敏感性差;对克 林霉素和甲砜霉素不敏感;17 例Uu 合并Mh的抗生素敏感性为:美满霉素100 %,多西环素100 %,交沙霉素88.23 %,加替沙星 64.7 %,对左氧氟沙星、司帕沙星、红霉素、阿奇霉素、克拉霉素,罗红霉素、甲砜霉素、克林霉素均不敏感。3 株单纯Mh 例数少未 做统计。结论:宫颈炎患者中支原体检出率较高,其中单纯Uu 检出率较Uu、Mh 混合阳性率高,对四环素类、大环内酯类族中的多 数抗生素敏感,治疗选择余地大。Uu、Mh 混合敏感性抗生素种类少,应优先选择四环素类抗生素治疗。
      Objective:The laboratorial data were collected for clinical diagnosis and treatment by monitoring the Ureaplasma urealytiumand Macoplasma hominis infection to evaluate the susceptibility to the antibiotics of strains isolated from cases with cervicitis in local area.Methods:Cervical secretions of the patients suffered with cervicitis were got sterilely. The culture, identification, susceptibility testing were carried out with complex mycoplasma kits.Results:In 106 specimens, there were 76 cases with mycoplasma infection, and the total isolation rate was 71.70 %。The isolation rate of Uu, Uu combined Mh, and Mh was 52.83 %, 16.04 %, 2.83 %, respectively. Susceptibility testing data showed that 56 cases of Uu positive were high sensitive to tetracycline, for example, doxycyline 100 %, minocycline 98.21 %; It showed different sensitivity to macrolides antibiotics: clarithromycin 96.43 %, azithromycin 91.07 %, josamycin 76.79 %, erythrocin 67.86 %, roxithromycin 32.14 %; For quinolone antibiotics, the sensitivity were 83.93 %to gatifloxacine, 37.50 %to levofloxacin, 26.78 % to sparfloxacin; Sensitivity rate to clindamycin and thiamphenicol were 0 %, 5.36 % respectively; The 17 cases Uu combined with Mh were susceptible to minocycline 100 %, doxycyline 100 %, josamycin 88.23 %, gatifloxacin 64.7 %, respectively. But, they were not susceptible to levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, erythrocin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, thiamphenicol, clindamycin. The 3 cases with Mh were not calculated, because the number was too small.Conclusion:Mycoplasma isolation rate of cervical secretions collected from the patients with cervicitis was high. Uu isolation rate was higher than Uu combined with Mh, and it was susceptible to most of tetracyclines and macrolides antibiotics. Because sensible antibiotics were less, tetracyclines antibiotics should be prioritized in the treatment of patients who isolated Uu and Mh.
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