Article Summary
郝赋 赵丹妮 杨艳 雷英 朱红强 苏景宽.心理疲劳对情绪图片注意偏向的研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(18):3555-3559.
The Influence of Negative Emotion Caused by Mental Fatigue on AttentionalBias for Emotional Picture
中文关键词: 负性情绪  心理疲劳  情绪主观体验  注意偏向
英文关键词: Negative emotion  Mental fatigue  Subjective report  Attentional bias
Author NameAffiliation
HAO Fu, ZHAO Dan-ni, YANG Yan, LEI Ying, ZHU Hong-ying, SU Jing-kuan 第四军医大学军事预防医学系
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      目的:探讨在实验室中诱发心理疲劳后是否会对带有负性情绪的图片产生注意偏向。方法:选取34名某军医大学本科生为 被试者,记录被试者完成认知负荷任务后的主观情绪体验成绩及疲劳量表得分,并采集被试者对情绪性图片进行的点探测任务的 反应时及错误率。结果:在主观报告上,被试者的负性情绪和躯体疲劳感得分显著高于完成认知任务前,在点探测任务的行为数据 上,被试者对于带有负性情绪的图片的反应时长于带有正性情绪的图片,反应错误率也高于正性图片。结论:认知负荷任务能够有 效诱发被试者的躯体疲劳感和负性情绪。具有疲劳感和负性情绪的被试者并未对带有负性情绪的图片产生注意偏向。
      Objective:To examine the effects of mental fatigue induced in the laboratory on attentional Bias for emotional face in dot probe paradigm.Methods:Thirty one undergraduates were selected to complete the cognitive load tasks. Their subjective reports, reaction time and error score after finishing a dot probe task were collected.Results:The subjective response results suggest that the negative emotion and physical fatigue after completing tasks was significantly higher than pre-test. The dot probe task results suggested that reaction time to negative pictures was longer than the time to positive pictures, and the error score was also higher.Conclusion:Cognitive load tasks can induce subjects' physical fatigue and negative emotion. But the subjects with fatigue and negative emotion have no special attention bias for negative emotional picture.
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