Article Summary
李扬龚 沈园园 钱嫦云 陆菲 徐晓芬.混合胶束作为药物载体的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(19):3784-3785.
Progress of Mixed Micelles in Drug Delivery
中文关键词: 混合胶束  聚离子复合物胶束  嵌段聚合物  表面活性剂
英文关键词: Mixed micelles  Polyion complex micelles  Block copolymers  Surfactants
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yang-gong, SHEN Yuan-yuan, QIAN Chang-yun, LU Fei, XU Xiao-feng 上海交通大学药学院 
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      许多抗肿瘤药物因为水溶解性差,在临床上的应用受到了很大影响。胶束可将药物包载到疏水核,可显著提高药物的水溶 解性,是一种极具潜力的新型给药体系。然而胶束也面临着一系列问题,比如说需要提高其在体内的动力学稳定性和热力学稳定 性等。与此同时,如果想要在单一的胶束体系上实现多种功能,需要对载体材料进行繁杂的修饰,也是一个难题。由不同嵌段聚合 物、聚合物/ 表面活性剂自组装成的混合胶束或聚离子复合物胶束,相对于单一嵌段聚合物形成的胶束而言,物理稳定性和载药 能力都得到了提高。同时,通过将具有不同官能团的聚合物制备成混合胶束,可以直接方便得到多功能复合的体系。本文对混合 胶束载体系统的药剂学进展进行了综述。
      Many antitumor drugs are restricted in clinic because of their low solubility in water. Micelles that can encapsulate the drug in their hydrohobic core to enhance the drug's solubilty in water, are of great potential in drug delivery. However, lots of problems must be solved such as their poor stability in vivo.At the same time, it is difficult to endow a single system with multpile functionalities, because of the synthetically challenging to modify functional groups into a sigle copolymer. Mixed micelles or polyion complex micelles formed by different copolymers or copolymers/surfactants, showed higher stability and higher drug loading capacity than micelles formed by sigle copolymer. Also, through selecting the right candidates, multi-functional micelles can be obtained easily and directly. This paper summarizes the progress of mixed micelles in drug delivery.
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