Article Summary
张超 罗惠兰 魏璇 杨强 苏丹 徐美林.冠脉不同程度狭窄猪血浆骨保护素变化的影响研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(21):4044-4046.
Study on Changes of Plasma Osteoprotegerin levels in Swines withDifferent Coronary Artery Stenosis
中文关键词:   冠状动脉  狭窄程度  骨保护素
英文关键词: Swine  Coronary artery  Degree of stenosis  Osteoprotegerin
基金项目:全军" 十二五" 重点课题:飞行员冠状动脉粥样硬化综合防治体系及飞行适应性评价研究(BWS11J054)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Chao, LUO Hui-lan, WEI Xuan, YANG Qiang, SU Dan, XU Mei-lin 空军总医院干部病房
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      目的:冠心病的发病率越来越高,成为临床上常见的心血管疾病。冠心病的发生、发展与冠状动脉病变程度直接相关。通过 手术引起冠脉狭窄,探讨冠脉狭窄与骨保护素(OPG)的相关性,从而为临床冠心病的预测提供理论依据。方法:(1) 20 头巴马小型 猪,在胸腔镜直视下手术丝线永久性结扎左前降支近端建立轻度(狭窄程度20-49%)、中度(狭窄程度50-69%)和重度(狭窄程 度≥ 70%)狭窄的冠状动脉狭窄模型;(2) 各组小型猪分别在其手术处理前后1 min 留取静脉血和分离血浆,测定骨保护素的含 量。结果:(1)手术对各组小型猪血浆OPG 的影响差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),同时,各组之间冠脉狭窄模型猪手术后血浆OPG的 浓度较对照组升高,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:(1)手术作为一种应激性损伤,导致OPG 升高。(2)骨保护素与冠状动脉硬化 和血管钙化有关,但与没有动脉硬化和钙化引起的的冠脉狭窄无关。
      Objective:The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing, it is a common clinical cardiovascular disease. The incidence and development of coronary heart disease is directly related to severity of coronary lesions. Coronary artery stenosis caused by surgery to explore the relevance of coronary artery stenosis with OPG, to provide a theoretical basis for the prediction of clinical coronary heart disease.Methods:(1)Of 20 Bama miniature swines, the proximal left anterior descending branch (LAD) was ligated permanently by using silk suture under direct vision of the thoracoscope to establish different coronary artery stenosis models--the mild, the moderate and the severe--with stenosis degree of the LAD 20-49%, 50-69%, ≥ 70% respectively. (2)1 minute before and after the surgery in each group, venous blood was collected. Then, plasma were separated and OPG were measured.Results:The effects of the surgery on plasma OPG content were no significant(P>0.05). Meanwhile, compared with the normal control group after the surgery, plasma osteoprotegerin levels in surgery groups were raised, but no significant(P>0.05)Conclusion:(1) Surgery as a stress injury cause OPG increased; (2) OPG is relate with coronary atherosclerosis and vascular calcification, but OPG is unrelated with no arteriosclerosis and calcification of coronary stenosis.
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