Article Summary
蒲利森 李绪强 徐鹏 林健 黄宇宏.常温环境下38 mm软体变形弹生物致伤效应实验研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(22):4244-4248.
常温环境下38 mm软体变形弹生物致伤效应实验研究
Study on Biotraumatosenic Effect of 38 mmSoft-DeformedBullets Under Constant Temperature
中文关键词: 软体变形弹  威力性能  生物致伤  柔性非致命弹药  延展性
英文关键词: Soft-deformed bullet  Power performance  Biotraumatsenic  Flexible nonfatal ammunition  Ductility
Author NameAffiliation
PU Li-sen, LI Xu-qiang, XU Peng, LIN Jian, HUANG Yu-hong 中国白城兵器试验中心
解放军521 医院 
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      目的:从生物学角度评估38 mm 软体变形弹的杀伤威力,并阐明其生物致伤效应。方法:常温条件下,对生物模型进行实弹 射击,将猪和羊(各9 只)按照射击距离的不同(3 m、5 m、10 m)分成三组,每组三只,射击部位为四肢、胸部、腹部及臀部。结果:局 部损伤主要表现为单纯血液循环障碍或血液循环障碍伴随表皮剥落;临床解剖发现,在5 m距离上可致羊脏器破裂、肋骨骨折,在 3 m距离上可致猪肺广泛性出血,同等条件羊的损伤程度较猪重。结论:我们认为,5 m距离内被38 mm 软体变形弹击中,对人有 可能造成血气胸,5 m距离外局部创伤可在数天后自行吸收、消退或愈合,一般无需医学处理。
      Objective:In order to appraise lethality of 38 mm soft-deformed bullets in the biological perspective, and explain the biotraumatosenic effect.Methods:Pigs and sheep were shot under constant temperature, the nine pigs and sheep were divided into 3 groups according to distance of 3 m, 5 m and 10 m, each group contained three pigs or sheep, the shooting location were limb, chest, abdomen and buttock.Results:Clinical anatomy shows performance for local damage of animals was disturbance of blood circulation, or disturbance of blood circulation in according with epidermal detachment; shoot in the distance of 5 m, viscera of sheep was broken, and rib fracture; in the distance of 3 m, the lung of pig was extensive blooding. Compared with pig, ability of sheep to fight off 38mm soft-deformed bullets was weaker.Conclusion:we consider that shot by 38 mm soft-deformed bullets within 5m for person, the pneumohemothorax may occur, and the injured position could be self-absorbing, extinction or healing, generally medical treatment was unnecessary.
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