Article Summary
徐菲 赵昕亚 包进 刘婷 孙奉劼 张瑞生.不规则抗体筛查对临床安全输血的意义[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(24):4741-4743.
Irregular Antibody Screening for Clinical Safety of Blood Transfusion
中文关键词: 不规则抗体  安全输血  溶血性输血反应
英文关键词: Irregular antibody  Safety of blood transfusion  Hemolytic transfusion reaction
Author NameAffiliation
XU Fei, ZHAO Xin-ya, BAO Jin, LIU Ting, SUN Feng-jie, ZHANG Rui-sheng 南京医科大学附属南京医院 
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      目的:不规则抗体是血浆中除了抗A、抗B以外的其他血型抗体,会引起血型鉴定困难、疑难配血、溶血性输血反应及新生儿 溶血症。本文探讨不规则抗体在住院患者中的发生情况,为需要输血的患者选择匹配的血液供应,确保临床输血安全、合理、有 效。方法:利用Ⅰ~Ⅲ类谱细胞用微柱凝胶抗人球蛋白检测卡对住院患者血标本进行不规则抗体筛查,再对阳性标本利用Ⅰ~Ⅻ类 谱细胞进行特异性鉴定。结果:13889 例受检血标本中,检出不规则抗体25 例,阳性率为0.18%。检出的不规则抗体涉及Rh、 MNSs、Lewis、Kidd 四个血型系统,所占比例分别为80%、8%、8%、4%。且不规则抗体在女性患者中的检出率高于男性患者。结论: 输血前对患者进行不规则抗体筛查及特异性鉴定,可有效减少和避免溶血性输血反应的发生,对于安全输血是十分必要的。
      Objective:Irregular antibody, another antibody of blood type except anti-A and anti-B, can cause difficult identification of blood type, difficult blood matching, hemolytic transfusion reaction and hemolytic disease of the newborn. This article is to study irregular antibody happening in hospitalized patients, select the matching blood to supply for patients who require transfusion, ensure the transfusion safe, reasonable and effective.Methods:Micro column gel resistance globulin cards were used for screening irregular antibody in hospitalized patients and identifying the specificity withⅠ~Ⅲ spectrum cells andⅠ~Ⅻ spectrum cells respectively.Results:The irregular antibodies were detected in 25 cases from 13889 patients' and the positive rate was 0.18%. The antibodies involved in Rh, MNSs, Lewis and Kidd four blood group systems,and the proportion were 80%, 8%, 8% and 4% respectively. The detection rate of irregular antibody in female was higher than in male.Conclusion:It's absolutely necessary to detect irregular antibody and its specificity before blood transfusion so that reduce or even avoid the hemolytic transfusion reaction.
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