Article Summary
王玉凤 薛昌敖 刘炜 罗宁 张建华.下颌第三磨牙拔除中预防下唇麻木和舌麻木的方法探讨[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(28):5539-5543.
The Prevention Methods to Discuss the Numbness of Lower Lipand Tongue after Third Mandibular Molar Extraction
中文关键词: 下颌第三磨牙  拔除术  下唇和舌  麻木
英文关键词: The third mandibular morlar  Extraction  Lower lip and tongue  Discuss
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yu-feng, XUE Chang-ao, LIU Wei, LUO Ning, ZHANG JIAn-hua 南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)口腔科 
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      目的:探讨下颌第三磨牙拔除导致下唇和舌麻木的有关因素。方法:按照三种分类标准进行分组。第一种分组:以不同年龄 段分成两组。第二种分组:以下颌第三磨牙根尖与下颌神经管的关系分成三组。第三种分组:以不同拔牙方法分为三组。结果:1. 下颌第三磨牙拔除后引起下唇麻木和舌麻木与年龄无明显关系。2. 460 例下颌第三磨牙拔除术后出现下唇麻木31 例(占 6.74%),其中第二组和第三组占26 例(占5.65%),第一组和第二组分别与第三组相比具有统计学意义(P<0.05);出现舌神经损 伤17 例(占3.70 %),其中第二组和第三组占14 例(占3.04%),第一组和第二组分别与第三组相比具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3. 口腔全景片显示的66 例下颌第三磨牙根尖与下颌神经管重叠中,CBCT显示根尖多位于下颌神经管舌侧,而跨于下颌神经管最 少见。4.拔牙方法越复杂,引起下唇和舌麻木的几率就越大。结论:本组病例的方法评估对拟定合适的治疗方案和安全指导拔牙以 降低下唇和舌麻木具有重要的临床意义。
      Objective:To explore related factors that lead to the lower lip and tongue after the third mandibular molar extraction.Methods:According to the three kinds of classification standards are divided into three groups. The first group: With different ages were divided into two groups. The second group: According to the relationship between the third mandibular molar and the mandibular nerve tube into three groups. The third group: With different extraction methods were divided into three groups.Results:1. No significant relationship between the cause of third mandibular molar after the numbness of lower lip and tongue numbness wood n and age. 2. 460 cases of mandibular third molar surgery cases of lower lip numbness in 31 cases (6.74%), of which second group and third group accounted for 26 cases (5.65%), the first group and the second group are respectively third groups compared with statistical significance (P<0.05); 17 cases of lingual nerve injury (3.70%), of which second group and third group accounted for 14 (3.04%), the first group and the second group are respectively third groups compared with statistical significance (P<0.05). 3. Oral panoramic display of 66 cases of mandibular third molar and the mandibular nerve tube overlap, CBCT display apical in mandibular nerve tube side of the tongue, and the cross in the mandibular nerve tube most rare. 4 The extraction method is more complex, and can more easily lead to the lower lip and tongue numb.Conclusion:Methods the patients assessment has important clinical significance to develop appropriate treatment and safety guidance of third mandibular molar.
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