Article Summary
王志燕 徐茜 彭博琪 李玉堂 李改霞.儿童直立调节试验对不明原因晕厥的诊断价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(30):5914-5916.
The Diagnostic Value of Upright Tilt Test for Kidswith Unexplained Syncope
中文关键词: 直立调节试验  不明原因晕厥  儿童
英文关键词: Upright tilt test  Unexplained Syncope  Children
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhi-yan, XU Qian, PENG Bo-qi, LI Yu-tang, LI Gai-xia 山东省青岛市妇女儿童医院特检科山东省青岛市妇女儿童医院神经康复科 
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      目的:探讨直立倾斜试验对儿童不明原因晕厥的诊断价值,为临床诊断提供科学依据。方法:对208 例不明原因晕厥的儿童 给予进行直立倾料试验检查,持续进行心电监护监测,记录其血压、心率变化,分析试验结果。结果:145 例(69.71%)出现阳性的血 管迷走神经反应,73 例(50.34%)为血管抑制型反应;19 例(13.10%)呈心脏抑制型反应;53 例(36.55%)为混合型反应型,并且诱发因 子多为持久站立。结论:不明原因晕厥患者在直立倾斜试验中以血管迷走反应为主,持久站立是血管迷走神经性晕厥的主要诱 因。
      Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of upright tilt test for kids with unexplained syncope, and to provide reference for the clinical diagnosis.Methods:208 cases of children with unexplained syncope were tested with upright tilt test and ongoing ECG monitoring, their blood pressure and heart rate were recorded and the test results were analyzed.Results:145 cases (69.71%) presented positive vasovagal reaction, 73 cases (50.34%) presented vascular inhibition-type reaction; 19 cases (13.10%) presented cardiac suppression response; and 53 cases (36.55%) were mixed reaction type. The major incentive factor was persistent standing.Conclusion:Classical vasovagal response is the major hemodynamic pattern in the course of upright tilt test in children with unexplained syncope, persistent standing is the major incentive of vasovagal syncope.
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