Article Summary
李丹滢 王天 方芸.青年药师首次独立夜班焦虑状况调查及对策探讨[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(32):6363-6366.
Survey and Strategy on the Anxiety of Young Pharmacists at theFirst Individual Night-shift
中文关键词: 青年药师  首次独立夜班  心理卫生  药学管理
英文关键词: Young pharmacists  First individual night-shift  Psychological health  Pharmacy management
Author NameAffiliation
LI Dan-ying, WANG Tian, FANG Yun 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院南京市浦口区中医院 
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      目的:调查并探讨青年药师首次独立夜班焦虑状况及有效对策,以促进青年药师首次独立夜班的心理健康。方法:应用自行 设计调查表,对江苏地区4 家不同等级医院药学部的入职2 年内的52 名青年药师进行随机问卷调查并分析。结果:52 名青年药 师中有29 人(55.77 %)在首次独立夜班时出现过紧张焦虑症状。害怕突发集体事件、找不到药及发错药是造成青年药师紧张焦虑 的最主要原因。青年药师加强自身职业修养,药学管理者关注青年药师的心理健康,能有效改善焦虑症状。结论:管理者应重视青 年药师首次独立夜班的心理健康,给予积极有效的干预和指导,增强青年药师的心理健康水平。
      Objective:To investigate and explore effective strategies on the anxiety of young pharmacists on the first individual night-shift to improve their psychological health.Methods:52 pharmacists who have worked for 2 years from 4 hospitals of different levels in Jiangsu were surveyed by self-designed questionnaire.Results:29 (55.77 %) young pharmacists had symptoms of anxiety during their first individual night-shift. Three factors influenced the young pharmacists most significantly, which were: fearing of mass emergency; unable to find medicine quickly, and dispensing the wrong medicine. The psychological health could be effectively improved by strength- ening their career competence, and attention to their psychological health by the administrators.Conclusion:The administrators should pay more attention to the psychological health of young pharmacists on the first individual night-shift and give positive interventions and guidance to improve their psychological health.
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