Article Summary
李茗华 刘鸣 肖辉 姚鸿超 阚轩.耳鼻咽喉科医患沟通的影响因素分析及对策[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(32):6367-6371.
Analysis and Countermeasures on the Influence Factors of Doctor-patientCommunication in Otolaryngology Department
中文关键词: 耳鼻咽喉科  医患沟通  影响因素
英文关键词: Otolaryngology department  Doctor-patient communication  Influence factor
Author NameAffiliation
LI Ming-hua, LIU Ming, Xiao-hui, YAO Hong-chao, KAN Xuan 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院耳鼻咽喉- 头颈外科 
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      目的:分析耳鼻咽喉科医患沟通的影响因素,提出针对性的对策,为改善医患沟通现状提供科学依据。方法:通过调查患者 和医生对医患沟通满意度的评价及对可能影响医患沟通效果的因素进行定量分析,以黑龙江省几所三级甲等医院就诊患者及就 职的医生为对象,通过问卷调查收集数据。结果:医患沟通满意度方面,有19.3%的被调查者认为医患沟通很好,41.7%的被调查者 认为较好,两项合并占被被调查者总数的61%。被调查者认为医患沟通时间少、看病难、看病贵,医患信息不对称等因素在不同程 度上影响着医患沟通效果。结论:建议针对影响医患沟通效果的因素在耳鼻喉科教学及工作中建立以人为本的沟通体系,改善医 疗服务质量,促进医患关系顺畅与和谐的发展。
      Objective:To analyse the influence factors of doctor-patient communication in otolaryngology department and put forward corresponding countermeasures, which will provide scientific basis to improve the present situation of doctor-patient communication.Methods:The results of the survey were analyzed quantitatively. And the subjects were the doctors and patients in otolaryngology departmenti of some grade A tertiary hospitals in Heilongjiang Province. Data collected by the questionnaire survey was investigated.Results:19.3% of the respondents thought doctor-patient communication was very good and 41.7% of respondents thought better, two merger accounting for 61% of the total. Some influencing factors were thought to affect the doctor-patient communication to varying degrees, such as the asymmetric information influences, less time to communicate and the high cost of medical treatment.Conclusion:With the principle of "patient-oriented", doctor-patient communication system based on the influencing factors should be established to improve the medical service quality and to promote the harmonious development of the doctor-patient relationship.
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