Article Summary
张浩1 王巍2 王凯1 闫晓龙1 姜雪1 张同1,3.间充质干细胞双标记光学成像的体内试验研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(36):7045-7048.
The Study of Dual-labeled MSCs in Vivo Optical Imaging
中文关键词: 间充质干细胞  双标记  HepG2
英文关键词: MSCs  Dual-labeled  HepG2
基金项目:黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(H201390);哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金(2012RFQXS060); 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(1251282)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Haso, WANG Wei, WANG Kai, YAN Xiao-long, JIANG Xue 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院医学影像科
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      目的:验证双标记生物发光成像活体观测MSCs在肝癌裸鼠模型向肿瘤病灶的趋化作用的可行性。方法:应用fluorescence (荧光)与bioluminescence(生物发光)两种成像方法,对MSCs 进行CM-DiI荧光标记及对人肝癌细胞HepG2 进行Fluc- 慢病毒 感染并由此建立裸鼠肝癌模型,构建双标记成像系统,应用精诺真小动物光学成像仪在裸鼠肝癌模型中观测间充质干细胞向肿 瘤的趋化作用。结果:在鼠尾静脉注射标记MSCs 细胞后21 天荧光成像可见MSCs主要积聚于肿瘤病灶处及肝脏。生物发光成像 后可监测到病灶处由luciferase 标记肿瘤细胞(HepG2)发出荧光;将荧光成像与生物发光成像所得图像经后处理融合后,可见证 间充质干细胞像肿瘤病灶定向迁徙的生物过程。经肿瘤病理切片证实间充质干细胞成功迁徙至肿瘤病灶中。结论:应用间充质干 细胞双标记光学成像系统实现MSCs在活体内对肿瘤的趋化过程进行观测是可行的。这种成像方法可作为下一步以MSCs为载 体的肿瘤基因治疗的有效监测手段。
      Objective:This study was aimed at verifying the feasibility of observating MSCs migrating to tumor lesions in nude mice by double labeled bioluminescence imaging.Methods:Liver cancer model was established with hepatoma cell line HepG2 infected with fluc-lentivirus in nude mice. In addition, CM-DiI fluorescence was used to label the MSCs, thus double labeled methods, fluorescence and bioluminescence, were successfully generated. Xenogen small animal optical imaging instrument could be applied to observe the chemotaxis of mesenchymal stem cells to the tumor in liver cancer model of nude.Results:21 days after the injection of MSCs marked cells though the rat tail vein, it was observed by fluorescence imaging, MSCs are visible mainly accumulating in tumor lesions and liver. Tumor cells (HepG2) in lesions can be monitored by the luciferase marker through bioluminescence imaging. The integration of fluorescence imaging and bioluminescence imaging after post-processing enabled the biological processes of mesenchymal stem cells migrating to tumor lesions. Tumor biopsy confirmed the success of mesenchymal stem cells migrating to the tumor lesions.Conclusion:The applying of mesenchymal stem cell imaging system made observation of double-labeled MSCs tumor chemotactic process feasible in vivo. This imaging method can be used to MSCs as a gene therapy vector, and it would be an effective way of monitoring.
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