Article Summary
张东智 韩大勇 刘耀华 赵世光△.哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院神经外科[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(36):7194-7196.
Research Progress on the Effect of Cytochalasin B OpeningBlood-Brain Barrier
中文关键词: 血脑屏障  松胞菌素B  紧密连接  化学治疗
英文关键词: Blood-Brain Barrier  Cytochalasin B  Tight junction  Chemiotherapy
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Dong-zhi, HAN DA-yong, LIU Yao-hua,ZHAO SHI-guang 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院神经外科 
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      血脑屏障的是人体自然屏障之一。其主要作用是阻止有害物质通过颅内血管进入脑实质,并同时辅助排出脑内代谢物质等。 对相当多的颅内恶性肿瘤术后患者,血脑屏障在一定程度上阻碍了化疗药物进入脑实质,从而影响化疗效果。因此近年来越来越 多的学者将研究重点放在如何开放血脑屏障这个问题上。血脑屏障构成主要为毛细血管的内皮细胞、基膜周细胞和星状胶质细 胞的足突,其中血管内皮细胞处于最重要的地位。原因归结于它自身的一个特殊结构--紧密连接。紧密连接是否完整,功能是否 可以正常发挥关系到内皮细胞的完整性,因此对血脑屏障的开放有着举足轻重的作用。维持紧密连接结构中功能蛋白功能的能 量物质为葡萄糖。脑血管中的葡萄糖进入脑实质需载体或通道,脑组织负责此过程的物质为葡萄糖转运蛋白1(GLUT1)。本文作 者通过松胞菌素B 抑制葡萄糖转运蛋白1,降低能量供应从而影响紧密连接功能,最终引起血脑屏障开放角度做一综述。
      Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) is one of the human body barriers. Its main role is to prevent harmful substances from entering the brain by intracranial vessel, and at the same time to discharge the brain metabolites. For patients with intracranial malignant tumor, blood brain barrier to some extent hinders the chemotherapy drugs into brain parenchyma, which affects the effect of chemotherapy. In recent years, more and more scholars focus on how to open the blood brain barrier. Blood brain barrier is composed of capillary endothelial cells, basement membrane of pericytes and astrocyte foot processes, among which endothelial cell is the most important part, because of tight junction. The normal function of tight junction is related to the integrity of the endothelial cells, so it is important to the opening of blood brain barrier. The substance which can maintain protein function in tight junction is glucose. When glucose in the cerebral blood vessel passing through endothelial cells need carrier or channel, glucose transporter 1 will be responsible for the process. In this paper, I will expound how the cytochalasin B inhibit the glucose transporter 1 , then reduce the energy and influence the function of tight junction, and finally result in opening of blood brain barrier.
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