Article Summary
许标 陈纯.情绪信息的注意偏向研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(1):110-113.
Attentional Bias of Emotional Words
中文关键词: 消极情绪  积极情绪  注意偏向
英文关键词: Negative words  Positive words  Attentional bias
Author NameAffiliation
许标 陈纯 中国科学院心理研究所湖南康达自愿戒毒中心 
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      目的:考察被试对消极词和积极词在无意识状态下的注意偏向,探讨被试在无意识状态下对两类情绪词汇诱发的情绪信息 所产生的注意选择与偏向问题。方法:以情绪词为材料,采用任务分离范式,考察被试在无意识状态下对情绪词汇的选择率和反 应时。结果:(1 )无意识注意阶段存在情绪刺激的注意偏向;(2 )在选择率上,被试对积极词汇的选择要明显多于对中性词汇或消 极词汇,且女性对积极词汇的选择率要明显高于男性;(3)在反应时上,被试对消极词汇的反应时要明显快于中性词汇或积极词 汇。结论:该实验结果说明,带情绪信息的词汇都较中性词汇更能引起被试的注意偏向。
      Objective:Using emotional words as materials, with process-dissociation, we aimed to investigate the difference of attentional bias between negative words and positive words in the unconsciousness stage.Methods:Using emotional words and separation task paradigm, to study the choose rate and reaction time of emotional vocabulary under the unconscious by subjects.Results:(1)There was attentional bias of emotional stimuli in the unconsciousness stage; (2)Positive words would be noticed more then neutral words and negative words, and females would choose more positive words than males; (3)The reaction to negative words is more quickly than to neutral words and positive words.Conclusion:The emotional information is more likely to be noticed.
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