Article Summary
刘中洋 杨阳 袭荣刚 王晓波.肺表面活性物质及其在肺感染作用中的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(2):376-379.
The Investigative Progression of the Surfactant and its Rolein the Pulmonary Infection Surfactant
中文关键词: 肺表面活性物质  蛋白质  脂质  感染
英文关键词: Surfactant  Protein  Lipids  Infection
基金项目:国家" 重大新药创制" 科技重大专项(2009ZXJ09002-019)
Author NameAffiliation
刘中洋 杨阳 袭荣刚 王晓波 沈阳军区药物研究所解放军第210 医院 
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      肺表面活性物质是位于肺泡上皮细胞表面的由关键性脂质蛋白质组成的具有多种功能的复合物。肺表面活性物质中各组 成部分的联合效应是肺保持稳定性和宿主防御传染病病原体的基础。在此,就肺表面活性物质的主要成分、结构、功能及其与肺 感染的关系做一简要综述。
      Pulmonary surfactant is a complex surface-active substance comprised of key phospholipids and proteins that has many essential functions. Surfactant's unique composition is integrally related to its surface-active properties, its critical role in host defense, and emerging immunomodulatory activities ascribed to surfactant. Together these effector functions provide for lung stability and protection from a barrage of potentially virulent infectious pathogens. This article is about pulmonary surfactant composition, structure, function and relationship with lung infection.
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