Article Summary
王博 姚蜜蜜 晋慧 赵丽红 相建海 蔡中华.微生物对纲比甲藻生长以及区域雪卡毒性分布的影响[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(3):401-406.
The Effects of Microbes on Growth of Gambierdiscus spp. and CiguatoxinDistribution
中文关键词: 雪卡毒素  纲比甲藻  毒性区域特异性分布  藻菌关系
英文关键词: Ciguatoxin  Gambierdiscus spp.  Regional-specific distribution  Relation between algae and bacteria
基金项目:科技部973 计划前期专项(2012CB426504);深圳市经信委科技生物产业专项资金(20130329010054)
Author NameAffiliation
王博 姚蜜蜜 晋慧 赵丽红 相建海 蔡中华 清华大学生命科学学院清华大学深圳研究生院海洋科学与技术学部中国科学院海洋研究所 
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      目的:雪卡鱼毒中毒(Ciguatera fish poisoning)严重危害人类健康,同时带来巨大经济损失。雪卡毒素起源于雪卡鱼食用了有 毒的底栖生物纲比甲藻( )。由于全球雪卡毒素中毒的分布呈现时空变化性,在小范围内又存在区域特异性分布 的特征,科学家很难作出解释。一直以来对影响纲比甲藻生长的生物因素较环境因子的研究而言非常有限,本文从藻菌关系的角 度出发,研究重要微生物对纲比甲藻生长的影响,进而解释雪卡毒性区域特异性分布的现象。方法:采用宏基因组多样性分析和 相关性分析找出毒性相关微生物,结合生物被膜相关微生物筛选结果,选定重要细菌对一株纲比甲藻进行生长刺激试验,通过藻 类计数方法研究微生物对纲比甲藻生长的影响。结果:不同毒性区域存在特异性的微生物群落组成,部分微生物与雪卡毒性分布 具有相关性。四株刺激菌中三株显著提升了纲比甲藻的生长能力,一株对纲比甲藻具有抑制作用。结论:重要微生物可能通过影 响纲比甲藻在食物链中数量的积累,导致雪卡毒性区域特异性分布。对生物因素的研究是今后雪卡毒素研究领域的新方向,具有 重要的借鉴意义和应用价值。
      Objective:Ciguatera fish poisoning badly affects human health and causes huge economic losses. The ciguatoxin originates from toxic benthic Gambierdiscus spp.. It is hard to explain the spatial and temporal variability and site-specific distribution of ciguatoxicity. To date, the biological factors influencing the growth of Gambierdiscus spp.. received comparatively fewer attention than the environmental factors. From algal-bacterial relation point of view, this study tried to explain the ciguatoxin site-specific distribution problem by researching the effects of important microbes on growth of Gambierdiscus spp..Methods:According to metagenomic diversity analysis, toxicity correlation analysis and biofilmrelated bacteria screening methods to select important bacteria to stimulate the growth of Gambierdiscus spp., the algal density were determined by algal counting method.Results:Different ciguatoxic sampling sites have specific microbial community composition, several bacteria have correlation to the ciguatoxic distribution. Three of the four stimulating bacteria significantly enhanced the growth of and one inhibited the algal growth.Conclusion:Several important microbes are likely to result in the ciguatoxin site-specific distribution by affecting the accumulation of Gambierdiscus spp. in the food chain. The research of the biological factor is a new frontier of the ciguatoxin studies, and it has great reference significance and application value.
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