Article Summary
张杨 张威 曹文君 李运明 李宁霞 陈长生.肿瘤表达谱基因芯片数据的混合效应模型分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(3):533-537.
Mixed-effects Model Analysis on Cancer Microarray Data
中文关键词: 混合效应模型  基因表达谱  肿瘤基因芯片数据  通路分析  统计学意义
英文关键词: Mixed-effects models  Gene Expression Profile  Cancer data  Pathway analysis  Statistical significance
Author NameAffiliation
张杨 张威 曹文君 李运明 李宁霞 陈长生 第四军医大学军事预防医学院卫生统计学教研室长治医学院基础部成都军区总医院神经外科西安医学院第二附属医院检验科 
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      目的:研究混合效应模型(Mixed Effects Model)在肿瘤表达谱基因芯片数据分析中的检验效能,并探讨其分析效果。方法:采 用混合效应模型分析肿瘤实例基因芯片数据,并以基因集富集分析方法(GSEA)作为参照比较分析结果的有效性和科学性,探讨 其检验效果。结果:通过混合效应模型和基因集富集分析(GSEA)两种方法对肿瘤基因芯片数据的分析和比较,两种方法筛选出 共同的差异表达通路外,混合效应模型额外地筛选出来GSEA未能检验到的8 条差异表达通路,且得到文献支持;混和效应模型 筛选出的前10 个差异表达通路中有6 个已有生物学证明而基因集富集分析方法(GSEA)筛选出的前10 个差异表达通路中仅有 4 个已有生物学证明。结论:混合效应模型作为top-down 方法中的典型代表,其优势在于通过构建潜变量达到降维目的,可有效 地减少多个复杂的变异来源从而保证了结果的准确性和科学性,其检验效能优于基因集富集分析方法(GSEA),是一种行之有效 的筛选肿瘤基因芯片数据的分析方法。
      Objective:To study and evaluate the examine effectiveness of mixed-effects models in cancer microarray data analysis.Methods:The real cancer microarray data was analysed with mixed-effects model, and GSEA was taken as a comparative analysis method to evaluate the testing results.Results:By applying the two analysis methods with the real cancer data, eight differentially expressed pathways were additionally screened by the mixed-effects models other than the common one; Mixed effect models screened six biological pathways out of top ten, however, GSEA only screened four.Conclusion:Asthe typical of top-down approach, mixed effects models reduces the complexity of multiple sources of variations by conceiving a latent variable to ensure the scientific and accuracy of the analysis results. It is better than GSEA in terms of the effectiveness and accuracy and more suitable for cancer gene expression data.
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