Article Summary
迟程 韩继武 宋远见 刘丽凤.胆管癌的光动力疗法[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(3):586-589.
Photodynamic Therapy for Cholangiocarcinoma
中文关键词: 光动力疗法  胆管癌  支架置入术
英文关键词: Photodynamic therapy  Cholangiocarcinoma  Endoprostheses
Author NameAffiliation
迟程 韩继武 宋远见 刘丽凤 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院消化科 
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      胆管癌(Cholangiocarcinoma CC)是一种罕见的胆道原发性恶性肿瘤,预后较差。根治性手术只适用于一小部分早期诊断 的患者。姑息性的经皮或内镜下支架置入胆管引流术能通过减轻瘙痒,疼痛,和胆管炎的程度从而提高生活质量,但对于延长生 存时间作用甚微。光动力疗法(PDT)是对于不能手术切除的CC的一种较新颖的局部微创性的姑息疗法。其原理是PDT 中使 用的光敏性分子能特异性的聚集在增生组织如肿瘤,在特定波长的光照下光敏剂激活生成活性氧类物质,从而选择性的导致肿 瘤细胞的死亡。经过初步的可行性性研究和充满前景的前瞻性II期临床研究后,关于研究比较胆管支架置入联合光动力治疗与 单纯胆管内支架置入的两组前瞻性随机对照试验已经发表。其中一组试验结果显示PDT 组(493 天)与非PDT 组(98天)相比在 中位生存期方面的显著优势(P<0.0001),且PDT 组患者的体力状态也明显改善。另一组试验也进一步明确了PDT 治疗对于提 高生存率方面的优势(PDT 组630 天而单纯支架置入组210天,P<0.01)。整个治疗过程耐受性良好。有报道称PDT作为CC 的 辅助或新辅助疗法已取得了令人满意的结果,因此PDT可以被看作是治疗不能手术切除的胆管癌的一种标准性姑息治疗方法。
      Cholangiocarcinoma (CC) is a rare primary malignancy of the biliary tract with a dismal prognosis. Curative resection can only be applied to a small proportion of early diagnosed patients. Palliative biliary drainage by either percutaneous or endoscopic insertion of endoprostheses improves quality-of-life by reducing pruritis, cholangitis, and pain, but has been reported to improve survival time only slightly. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively new local, minimally invasive palliative strategy for unresectable CC. PDT uses a photosensitive molecule that accumulates in proliferating tissues such as tumors. Activation of the photosensitizer by use of light of a specific wavelength generates reactive oxygen species leading to selective tumor-cell death. After initial feasibility studies and promising prospective phase II studies, results from two prospective randomized controlled trials comparing PDT after endoprostheses insertion with endoprostheses alone for patients with unresectable CC have been published. One study resulted in dramatically prolonged median survival in the PDT group (493 days) compared with the non-PDT group (98 days) (P<0.0001), and significantly improved performance status (PS) in the PDT group. A second study confirmed the benefit of PDT for survival (630 days in the PDT group compared with 210 days for endoprostheses alone, P<0.01). The procedures were generally well tolerated. PDT has also been reported to have a favorable outcome as adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy for CC. So PDT can be regarded as a standard palliative therapy for unresectable CC.
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