Article Summary
田侠 徐东刚 杜建芳.BAFF-R 胞内区与TRAF3 相结合关键分子结合域的确定[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(8):1444-1448.
BAFF-R 胞内区与TRAF3 相结合关键分子结合域的确定
Identification of the Key Molecular Binding Domains of the CytoplasmicDomain of BAFF-R Binding with TRAF3
中文关键词: BAFF-R  TRAF3  突变体
英文关键词: BAFF-R  TRAF3  Mutants
Author NameAffiliation
田侠 徐东刚 杜建芳 中国人民解放军总医院病理科军事医学科学院基础医学研究所 
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      目的:研究BAFF-R 胞内区与TRAF3 相互作用的关键结合域。方法:分别钓取BAFF-R 胞内区和TRAF3 的cDNA 片段,克 隆到酵母双杂交系统中,验证两者之间的相互作用。利用缺失PCR和重叠PCR 的方法获取11 个TRAF3 的突变体,验证TRAF3 的11 个突变体和BAFF-R 胞内区的相互作用。结果:TRAF3 与BAFF-R胞内区发生相互作用时,有三个关键的分子结合域,分别 是N 端的螺旋结构382- 400 位氨基酸、中间的428-463 位氨基酸以及TRAF3 C端的543-560 位氨基酸。结论:在体内得到了 BAFF-R胞内区与TRAF3 相互作用的三个关键分子结合域,有助于展开对BAFF-R 胞内区与TRAF3 相互作用的进一步研究。
      Objective:To identify the key cytoplasmic molecular domain of BAFF-R binding with TNFR-associated factor 3 (TRAF3).Methods:At first, we gained the cDNA of cytoplasmic domain of BAFF-R and TRAF3 respectively by RT-PCR. Then, we used yeast two-hybrid assay to testify the interactions between the cytoplasmic domain of BAFF-R with TRAF3. In order to gain the key molecular binding domains of BAFF-R with TRAF3, the eleven deletion mutants were constructed by PCR and overlapped PCR. At last, we used yeast two-hybrid assay to testify the interaction between the eleven mutants with TRAF3.Results:382-400aa coil, 428-463aa, 543-560aa of TRAF3 were three important domains which play critical part in binding to BAFF-R.Conclusion:The result will provide a molecular binding base for the association of cytoplasmic domain of BAFF-R with TRAF3.
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