Article Summary
李硕 杨坤 郭晓东 吕宏宇 李进.军队医院科研创新存在的问题及对策分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(10):1931-1933.
Advance and ProblemAnalysis of Implementation of ScientificResearch Innovation in Hospital
中文关键词: 科研创新  医院管理  多元化  系统化
英文关键词: Innovation  Hospital scientific research  Multiple  Systematic
Author NameAffiliation
李硕 杨坤 郭晓东 吕宏宇 李进 解放军第302 医院 
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      科学技术是第一生产力,科技的进步是医学不断发展的基础。随着我国医疗卫生体制改革的不断推进,医院科研管理的作 用越来越突出。近年来,军队医院的科研实力和水平面临着巨大的挑战。因此,建立完善的科研机制,实施科研创新战略是推动卫 生事业改革与发展的动力。科研创新是指在立项、论证、研究方法、数据处理等科研活动中所表现出的与前人不同的思维方式和 行为方式。科研活动本身是以现有的现象、认知和习惯为基础的活动,凭借知识和经验预测科研可能达到的科学目的。在不同层 次对人们熟悉的思维方式高度抽象或转换,是科研创新的主要特征。本研究分析现阶段军队医院科研管理存在的问题,探讨科研 创新的必要性,强调医院科研管理应贯彻系统化思想,建立多元化科研模式。
      Science and technology is the first productivity, and the progress of science and technology is the basis of medical development. With the development of health systemreformation, hospital management of scientific research is playing a more and more important role. In recent years, the strength and level of military hospital scientific research is facing a huge challenge. Therefore, the establishment of scientific research and perfect mechanismand implementation of scientific research innovation strategy are the power to promote the reformand development of health service. Scientific research innovation refers to the performance of the project in scientific research activities, demonstration, research methods, data processing and the predecessors in different ways of thinking and behavior. The activity of scientific research itself is with cognition and habits existing phenomena, based activities, with knowledge and experience forecast research may reach scientific purpose. In the different level to people familiar with the thinking mode of highly abstract or conversion, is the main feature of the scientific research innovation. This study analyzes the existing military hospital scientific research management problem of the present stage and the necessity of scientific research innovation, emphasizing the hospital scientific research management should carry out systematic thought and establish a diversified mode of scientific research.
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