Article Summary
吕会娟 孙伟 孟德龙 辛亭 苏志强.CCL20 在脑卒中的发病机制及临床意义[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(13):2585-2587.
CCL20 在脑卒中的发病机制及临床意义
The Pathogenesis and Clinical Significance of CCL20 in Cerebral Stroke
中文关键词: CCL20  脑缺血  脑出血  蛛网膜下腔出血
英文关键词: CCL20  Cerebral ischemia  ICH  SAH
Author NameAffiliation
吕会娟 孙伟 孟德龙 辛亭 苏志强 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院神经内科 
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      CCL20(C-C chemokine ligand 20)是CC 亚族的趋化因子,曾被称为巨噬细胞炎症蛋白3-alpha(MIP-3alpha)、肝脏活化调节趋化因 子(LARC)和Exodus-1,与其唯一受体CC 趋化因子受体6(CC chemokine receptor 6,CCR6)特异性结合,调节细胞的激活、趋化 和迁移,参与形态发生、组织稳态、固有和获得性免疫以及许多疾病的炎症病理过程。在中枢神经中,CCL20 与CCR6结合后激活 小胶质细胞,其可应激相关性蛋白,形成持续性神经毒性级联反应,从而进一步损害周围神经元和脑组织,进而引起一系列的神 经功能损伤症状。目前有关CCL20 在脑卒中的日益引起人们的关注,深入研究其在脑卒中的作用,有可能为进一步揭示脑卒中的 发病机制并为寻求有效的防治措施提供重要的理论基础。本文概述了CCL20 的作用,重点阐述了其在脑卒中的作用。
      CCL20(C-C chemokine ligand 20),a chemokine of CC chemokines, also known as liver and activation-regulated chemokine (LARC), macrophage inflammatory protein-3a (MIP-3a) or Exodus-1, is the only chemokine known to interact with CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6), regulates cells activation, and migration, is involved in morphogenesis, homeostasis, innate and adaptive immunity and the inflammation pathological process in numerous of diseases. In the centre nervous system, CCL20, combined with CCR6, activates microglia and the cells produces other stress-related proteins, and evokes the selfperpetuating neurotoxicity cascade, which may damage surrounding neurons and brain tissues. Now the effect of CCL20 in the stroke are increasingly receiving attention. Thoroughly studying the effect of CCL20 in the stroke may further reveal the pathogenesis of stroke and provide important theoretical foundation for seeking effective prevention and treatment measures. It takes part in inflammatory response in the stroke. This article summarizes the effect of CCL20, and focuses on the roles of CCL20 in the stroke.
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