Article Summary
夏卓 冯志宏 王忠山 陈晞 赵铱民△.口温蜡在硬软腭缺损修复中的临床应用[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(14):2681-2684.
Clinical Application of Temperature Molding Wax in the Protheses ofHard and Soft Palate Defect
中文关键词: 口温蜡  软腭印模  临床评价
英文关键词: Temperature molding wax  Impression for the soft palate  Clinical assessment
Author NameAffiliation
夏卓 冯志宏 王忠山 陈晞 赵铱民△ 第四军医大学口腔医院修复科军事口腔医学国家重点实验室 
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      目的:评价口温蜡在软腭缺损修复中制取缺损腔功能印模的应用效果。方法:对11 例硬软腭缺损患者分别采用口温蜡和藻 酸盐制取缺损腔印模,制作阻塞器,使用两种阻塞器各1 个月后,比较其戴口温蜡取模制作的阻塞器时(甲组)、戴藻酸盐取模制作 的阻塞器时(乙组)和不戴阻塞器时(丙组)三种情况下,患者口鼻漏情况的主观满意度、语音清晰度(Speech Inteligibility,SI)以及单 韵母频谱分析值,分别对其进行比较。结果:甲组的口鼻漏满意度、语音清晰度及单韵母[i]音F1、F2、[u]音F2、[ü ]音F2的频率值 均显著高于其余两组(P<0.05)。结论:口温蜡取模制作的阻塞器能够明显改善患者因腭咽闭合功能不全造成的口鼻漏、言语障碍 等状况。
      Objective:To assess the clinical effect of temperature molding wax acquiring the functional impression of the defective soft palate cavity in the process of rehabilitation.Methods:For 11 patients with defective soft palate cavity, the impression for defective soft palate cavity were acquired with temperature molding wax and alginate impression separately, which were then used to fabricate two obturators. As both obturators were adapted for one month, for the groups wearing obturator made from wax impression (group A) and from alginate impression (group B), and group C without obturator,subjective perception for the nose leakage, speech intelligibility (SI) and vowel spectral analysis were measured and analyzed by one-way ANOVA.Results:There were significant differences in both perceptual ratings of nose leakage and SI values between both groups(P< 0.05). For spectral analysis of the six simple vowels, the first three formant frequencies had changed, and F1, F2 of [i], F2 of [u], F2 of [ü ] in patients with obturator were significantly higher than those in patients without obturator (P<0.05).Conclusion:The obturator, which was made from the impression acquired with the temperature molding wax, could obviously improve the situation of nose leakage and speech disorder relative to the velopharyngeal incompetent.
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