Article Summary
盛亮 禹东川 陈鸿雁 王新军 刘金双 李杨韬.便携式上肢运动协调性检测系统设计与实现[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(16):3132-3135.
Portable Detection SystemDesign and Implementation for the Upper LimbMotor Coordination
中文关键词: 运动感知  传感器  数据融合  分析方法
英文关键词: Motion perception  Sensor  Data Fusion  Analytical methods
Author NameAffiliation
盛亮 禹东川 陈鸿雁 王新军 刘金双 李杨韬 东南大学儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室 
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      目的:研究人体上肢协调性运动的相关指标,以此来检测儿童先天性发育不良以及预防老年人的协调性相关疾病等问题。方 法:本文设计了一种上肢协调性运动检测系统,检测被试的上肢运动状态,研究其协调性运动指标。本系统由运动感知单元、PC 机 端的控制台以及协调性运动指标数据分析组成。结果:利用该系统检测被试的运动协调性,给出了被试的准确性运动指标0.23 以 及协同性运动指标0.18。结论:经试验该系统对检测上肢的运动协调性有帮助,且方便携带与操作。
      Objective:Researching related indicators of human upper limb coordination movement is to detect children with congenital hypogenesis and prevent the elderly from coordination-related diseases and other problems.Methods:This paper designs a detection system for the upper limb coordination motion that detects the subjects' upper limb motion, studies coordination movement indicators. The system consists of motion sensing unit, PC-side console, and data analysis on the coordination movement indicators.Results:The system was used to detect the subjects' movement coordination, and to and to give the accuracy of the subjects' movement index 0.23 and 0.18 index collaborative movement.Conclusion:The testing proves that the system can detect the upper limb motion coordination, and is easy to carry and operate.
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