Article Summary
王亚锦 胡迎芬 王洋 姜颖 马爱国.铁过载对大鼠骨髓及肝脾组织的影响[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(19):3641-3644.
Effect of Iron Overload on Bone Marrow, Liver and Spleen in Rats
中文关键词: 右旋糖酐铁  铁过载  血清铁
英文关键词: Iron dextran  Iron overload  Serumiron
Author NameAffiliation
王亚锦 胡迎芬 王洋 姜颖 马爱国 青岛大学医学院营养研究所 
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      目的:通过腹腔注射右旋糖酐铁建立铁过载大鼠模型,观察过量补铁对大鼠骨髓及肝脾组织的影响。方法:雄性Wistar大鼠 40 只随机分为:正常对照组、低剂量铁组、中剂量铁组和高剂量铁组。经隔日腹腔注射每次分别给予右旋糖酐铁0.9 mg、0.3 mg、9 mg、18 mg,共干预6 周。观察各组大鼠的生长发育状况并检测相关指标。结果:四组大鼠白细胞计数、红细胞计数、血红蛋白浓度 以及血小板计数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。骨髓外铁含量分析,中、高剂量铁组大鼠骨髓基质中均出现不同程度的铁蓄积, 骨髓细胞外铁含量均显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05)。与正常对照组比较,中、高剂量铁组大鼠肝脏系数分别升高52%和148% (P<0.05),脾脏系数分别升高56%和100%(P<0.05)。与正常对照组比较,中、高剂量铁组大鼠肝组织铁分别升高154 %和303% (P<0.05),脾组织铁分别升高40%和127%(P<0.05),血清铁含量分别升高35%和165%(P<0.05)。结论:过量补铁(腹腔给药) 可使大鼠骨髓基质出现铁沉积,肝脏和脾脏脏器系数及其组织铁含量显著增加,导致铁在机体内过量蓄积。因此临床铁补充应防 止过量长期用药。
      Objective:To explore the effects of the iron dextran on bone marrow, liver and spleen in iron overload rats.Methods:Forty Wistar male rats were randomly divided into four groups including control group (0.9 mg), low-dose iron group (0.3 mg), middle-dose iron group (9 mg) and high-dose iron group (18 mg), then were injected with intraperitoneal iron dextran every other day for six weeks. The general situation and the related indicators were detected.Results:There was no significant difference in white blood cells, red b1ood cells, hemoglobin and platelets among these groups (P>0.05). Compared with the control group, the iron content of bone marrow in the middle-dose iron group and the high-dose iron group were significantly higher than that of the control group (P< 0.05). Compared with the control group, the liver coefficient and the spleen coefficient of the middle-dose iron group and high-dose iron group was increased by 52%, 148%, 56%and 100%respectively (all P<0.05). Compared with control group, the iron concentration of the liver and spleen in the middle-dose iron group and high-dose iron group was increased by 52%, 148%, 40%and 127% (all P<0.05), and the serumiron was increased by 35%and 165% (P<0.05).Conclusion:Even the iron overload doesn’t impact on peripheral blood of rats, but inhibits the function of rat bone marrow, liver and spleen significantly.
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