Article Summary
刘畅 李颖 代丽丽 邵正波 韩城城.近视的药物治疗及手术治疗研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(19):3779-3783.
A Research of Drug Treatment and Operation Treatment of Myopia
中文关键词: 近视  阿托品  哌仑西平  托品酰胺  准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术
英文关键词: Myopia  Atropine  Pirenzepine  Tropicamide  LASIK
Author NameAffiliation
刘畅 李颖 代丽丽 邵正波 韩城城 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院眼科 
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      近视是最常见的眼病之一,近年来,由于近视的发病率逐年上升,已成为世界性医学问题,近视眼的治疗也成为研究重点。 药物研究和手术治疗是近视的治疗目前的研究热点,并已经取得一定得成果。药物方面,阿托品,托品酰胺,哌仑西平,消旋山莨 菪碱对近视的控制作用都有被证实,但由于应用上还有一定的副作用,远期效果也不明确,需要进一步研究。手术方面,近视眼手 术主要分为角膜屈光手术和眼内屈光手术。LASIK 手术是目前应用最广泛的角膜屈光手术方法,SBK手术,飞秒激光手术等技术 也日趋成熟。但是,角膜手术存在着一定的风险,应用范围也较为局限,需要进一步研究。眼内屈光手术主要为有晶体眼的人工晶 体植入术(PIOL)和屈光性晶状体置换术,矫正的范围更加大,但是眼内手术并发症较多,也需要进一步研究和改进。
      Myopia, one of the most common eye diseases in the world. Since the incidence of myopia has been increasing fast in the past few decades, myopia research and correction have become World Health Organization priorities. Nowadays, the application of drugs and operation are the researching focus, and the reports have achieved certain results. The research of drug application mainly contains atropine, tropicamide, pirenzepine and raceanisoda mine, which have been reported to be useful on the myopia control. But at the same time, the application of drug also cause some side effects, which limit their application. It still need for further research to avoid the side effects. Operation is the most widely used for the treatment of myopia. Myopia operation mainly includes corneal refractive operation and intraocular refractive operation. At present, the LASIK operation is the most widely used in cornea refractive operation, as well as the SBK operation and Femtosecond laser technology are also developing fast. Intraocular refractive operation is another way of the myopia treatment, which mainly attains intraocular lens implantation in cataract patients (PIOL) and the refractive lens exchange. The myopia operation could correct most of the myopic, which makes myopic patients pick off glasses become possible . However, the scope of application of LASIK is limited, and the relatively risk increases in the intraocular refractive surgery, so the myopia operation still needs more research and development.
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