Article Summary
王宇 刘军 刘营营 韩桂萍.小鼠脑潜伏巨细胞病毒激活模型的建立[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(23):4414-4418.
An Activation Model of Latent Murine Cytomegalovirus
中文关键词: 小鼠巨细胞病毒  潜伏  激活
英文关键词: Murine cytomegalovirus  Latency  Activation
Author NameAffiliation
王宇 刘军 刘营营 韩桂萍 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院病理科 
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      目的:我们建立了小鼠脑潜伏巨细胞病毒激活模型,来实现小鼠脑内潜伏的巨细胞病毒(MCMV)的激活,并对潜伏MCMV 激活时程进行分析,确定MCMV即刻早期蛋白基因1( )基因转录,完成对基因转录和活病毒产生量时程动力学的分析,以 及为进一步阐明原始MCMV 在脑中潜伏的细胞类型提供模型。方法:采用出生后两天的BALB/c 幼鼠,经右侧耳和眼连线为底 边的正三角形的中心将Smith Strain MCMV 500 PFU/5 uL 注射进入右侧脑室,培养至16 周。之后,将脂多糖(LPS)依15 ug/kg体 重(接近致死量)分别经腹腔和侧脑室内注射,对照组注射生理盐水。于注射后的1 日,2 日,5 日,7 日,14 日和21 日分别在LPS 组和对照组中选取5只小鼠取脑。应用反转录- 聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)和高敏感性病毒空斑实验(结合病毒空斑实验和 RT-PCR) 测定MCMV 即刻早期蛋白1(IE1)mRNA 的表达以及活病毒产生定量分析。结果:LPS 组中,可于14 日和21 日的脑内 检测到IE1 mRNA 的转录,敏感性病毒空斑实验只在14 日和21 日出现细胞病毒效应(CPE),病毒量约为4.29× 104 PFU/uL 和 5.20× 105 PFU/uL,相应对应MEF 细胞匀浆物的RT-PCR 结果检测到7,14,21 日有IE1 mRNA 转录。结论:该实验成功建立了小 鼠脑潜伏巨细胞病毒激活的模型,并证实和分析了即刻早期蛋白基因在潜伏MCMV 激活过程中的表达和时程。该模型的建 立将为进一步阐明MCMV 在脑中潜伏细胞类型以及MCMV 在急性感染、潜伏和重激活过程中对中枢神经细胞的影响提供研究 平台,并为人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)的临床研究提供实验依据。
      Objective:To establish the activation of latent murine cytomegalovirus and analyze the schedule of activation; To confirm the transcription of MCMV immediate early protein 1 (ie1) gene and complete the kinetics of transcription of gene and production of virus; To set up an activation model of latent MCMV for further research of the types of the cells where MCMV chromosome maintains during the period of latency.Methods:2 days after birth, 500 PFU/5 uL of MCMV of minimumessential medium was injected into the right cerebral hemisphere of neonatal BALB/c mice. Control mice were similarly injected with minimum essential medium for 16 weeks. Intracranial injection and intraperitoneal injection of 15 ug/kg weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were administered, and saline was injected as a contrast. At 1, 2, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days postinfection, five mice from two groups were killed and the brains were removed. The brains were used for reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays and sensitive plaque assays (combined plaque with RT-PCR) to detect the IE1 mRNA and virus titer.Results:IE1 mRNA was detected at 14 and 21 days in the group LPS. Cytopathic effect (CPE)was detected at 14 and 21 days, and titer were approximately 4.29× 104 PFU/uL and 5.20× 105 PFU/uL. Transcription of IE1 mRNA was detected at 7, 14 and 21 days in the homogenate of mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEFs)by sensitive plaque assays.Conclusion:The activation model of latent MCMV was established, mRNA was detected and the schedule of it during the period of activation. The model would be provided in further research of MCMV latency and activation in brains. It could also provide basis for the research of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV).
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