Article Summary
廖春华 刘朝晖 魏莹 辛蔚 张茜茹.36 h 睡眠剥夺对事件相关电位N270 影响的对照研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(23):4498-4501.
36 h 睡眠剥夺对事件相关电位N270 影响的对照研究
A Control Study of Event Related Potential N270 in 36 h Sleep Deprivation
中文关键词: 睡眠剥夺  认知功能  事件相关电位  N270
英文关键词: Sleep deprivation  Cognition  ERP  N270
Author NameAffiliation
廖春华 刘朝晖 魏莹 辛蔚 张茜茹 第四军医大学唐都医院 
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      目的:应用事件相关电位技术探讨36 h完全睡眠剥夺对认知功能的影响。方法:9 名健康被试参加36h睡眠剥夺试验,被试 在36 h 睡眠剥夺前后分别接受数字- 符号联想测验,同时记录其事件相关电位,分析其在睡眠剥夺前后认知功能的动态变化情 况。结果:①被试在睡眠剥夺前后的反应时相比[(748.16± 193.27)与(775.79± 205.48)ms],显著增加(t=3.86,P<0.05),正确率相比[ (74.56± 0.11)与(67.12± 0.07)],没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。②被试在睡眠剥夺36 h后,P3、P4、C3 和C4 四点潜伏期没有显著性变 化[P3:(296.44± 16.61)与(300.22± 16.16)ms, t=1.43, P=0.19; P4:(303.33± 38.48)与(308.78± 38.65)ms, t=2.35, P=0.05; C3:(309.56± 34.09)与(308.44± 28.49)ms, t=0.45, P=0.66; C4:(317.33± 64.83)与(303.33± 39.42)ms, t=1.31, P=0.23],四点波幅降低,且差异具有 统计学意义(P <0.05)[P3:(2.74± 1.21) 与(1.32± 0.92)uv, t=2.54, P=0.04; P4:(2.34± 1.27) 与(0.94± 0.49)uv, t=3.44, P=0.01; C3: (2.60± 1.49)与(0.94± 0.78)uv, t=2.65, P=0.03; C4:(2.60± 0.81)与(1.11± 1.03)uv, t=2.61, P=0.03]。结论:睡眠剥夺影响人的正常认 知活动,损害了大脑对冲突信息的判断,睡眠对维持大脑的正常功能有重要作用。
      Objective:To explore the effect of 36 h sleep deprivation on the cognition of the brain.Methods:9 healthy subjects were detected with the ERP after 36 h sleep deprivation. The changes of cognition and function of the brain were analyzed.Results:① The reaction time of subjects was significantly longer after 36 h sleep deprivation (t=3.86, P<0.05). The correction rate did not show significant difference (P>0.05). ②The latency at P3, P4, C3 and C4 of subjects did not show significant difference. The amplitude at P3, P4, C3, C4 significantly lowered after 36 h sleep deprivation (P<0.05).Conclusion:Sleep deprivation affects the cognition of individuals and sleep plays an important role in maintenance of normal function of the brain.
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