Article Summary
刘苗苗 黄威峰 彭奔 袁丁 张长城.环磷酰胺致DNA损伤及其防治机制的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(23):4585-4587.
Research Progress on DNA Damage and Prevention Mechanismof Cyclophosphamide
中文关键词: 环磷酰胺  DNA 损伤  防治  研究进展
英文关键词: Cyclophosphamide  DNA damage  Prevention mechanism  Research progress
Author NameAffiliation
刘苗苗 黄威峰 彭奔 袁丁 张长城 三峡大学医学院三峡大学化学与生命科学学院 
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      CTX是临床上常用的抗肿瘤药物与免疫抑制剂,其在体内的代谢产物具有很强的烷化作用,可引起DNA链内和链间的交 叉连接,干扰转录和复制,造成DNA 的损伤。CTX导致DNA损伤的机制与环磷酰胺代谢过程中产生的自由基过量以及代谢产 物产生的烷化作用有关,目前减轻CTX 造成的DNA 损伤的措施主要是提高机体的抗氧化能力和促进机体修复损伤的DNA。 DNA 损伤会对机体产生一系列变化如导致肿瘤、神经退行性病变、衰老和遗传易感综合症等疾病的发生、发展。本文综述了CTX 导致DNA 损伤的机制及其防治研究进展,以其为CTX 的临床安全用药和今后的科学研究提供思路和依据。
      CTX is one of the commonly used antitumor drugs and immune inhibitors in clinical, its metabolites have strong alkylation could cause cell DNA damage by causing DNA cross connection between the chain and chain and interfering with the transcription and replication. CTX cause DNA damage by producing an excessive amount of free radicals and the effects of the alkylation produced by the metabolites. Recently reducing DNA damage caused by CTX is to improve the body's antioxidant capacity and promote the body to repair the damage of DNA. DNA damage could induce the occurrence and development of many diseases, such as tumors, neural degenerative diseases, senescence and genetic susceptibility syndrome. This paper summarizes the mechanism of DNA damage and its prevention mechanism caused by CTX, in order to provide more ideas and reference for clinical safety and the future of scientific research.
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