Article Summary
屈爽 苗运博 吴丹 孙茂 刘青 杨安钢 吴元明 王立锋.口腔扁平苔藓患者的CIITA基因单倍型分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(25):4813-4818.
Haplotype Analysis of CIITA Gene in Oral Lichen Planus
中文关键词: OLP  CIITA  SNP  Haploview  SHEsis  单倍型分析
英文关键词: OLP  CIITA  SNP  Haploview  SHEsis  Haplotype analysis
Author NameAffiliation
屈爽 苗运博 吴丹 孙茂 刘青 杨安钢 吴元明 王立锋 第四军医大学1 学员一旅2 基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学教研室 3 口腔医院粘膜科4 基础医学院免疫学教研室 
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      目的:分析CIITA 基因中单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, SNP)的单倍型与口腔扁平苔藓(Oral Lichen Planus, OLP)之间的关系,并探讨计算单倍型的新方法。方法:在得到42 名患者与86 名对照的CIITA 基因中15 个SNP位点的信 息后,通过Haploview和SHEsis软件以及本研究组设计的频数计数法进行单倍型分析。组间比较使用字2检验,并以P=0.05 作为 统计检验标准。结果:在本研究群体中,CIITA 基因上的15 个SNP 位点能够形成两个单体域(haploblock),其中由位点 rs6498124,rs11647384 和rs4774 所组成的单倍型GAC 在三种单倍型分析方法中均显示出显著的统计学差异(Haploview: Chi2=6. 127,P=0.013;SHEsis: Chi2= 6.469 P=0.011;频数计数法:Chi2=5.460,P=0.019)。结论:在由CIITA 基因的SNP位点rs6498124, rs11647384,rs4774 组成的单体域中,单倍型GAC对OLP的患病具有潜在的保护性。频数计数法显示,rs4774位点本身的保护 性及其与同一单体域内另外两个位点之间的完全连锁不平衡关系是单体型GAC 显示出保护性的主要依据。提示单倍型对疾病 易感性的解释在于其中的特定SNP 位点等位基因型,及其该位点与其它相关位点间的连锁不平衡关系。
      Objective:This study analyses the relationship between OLP and haplotype composed of SNPs in CIITA, and develops a new method of haplotype analysis.Methods:With the SNPs information of a case group of 42 and a control group of 86, we use haploview and SHEsis to analyze haplotype. When compare group data. Chi-square test is used which takes p=0.05 as the statistical significance threshold.Results:In the cohort, 15 SNPs of the CIITA gene formed 2 haploblocks, in which rs6498124, rs11647384, rs4774 compose a haplotype GAC. This haplotype showed statistical significance in each analyzing method(Haploview: Chi2=6.127, P=0.013 SHEsis: Chi2= 6.469, P=0.011 frequency-counting: Chi2=5.460, P=0.019)Conclusion:In a haploblock composed of rs6498124, rs11647384and rs4774 in CIITA, the haplotype GAC showed potential protection for OLP. The analysis fromfrequency-counting showed that the protection of rs4774 itself and its linkage disequilibrium relationship with other sites in the same haploblock contribute to the protection of haplotype GAC. And indicate that haplotype explanation for disease susceptivity may rely on the allelotype of certain significant SNP site and its linkage disequilibriumrelationship with other related sites.
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