Article Summary
欧洪波 刘芳 张宇 何吉琼 王怡丹.医院口腔颌面部骨折患者的临床特征分析及治疗效果调查[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(26):5139-5142.
Analysis of Clinical Features and Therapeutic Effect on Inpatients with OralMaxillofacial Fractures
中文关键词: 口腔颌面部骨折  临床特征  治疗效果
英文关键词: Oral maxillofacial fractures  Clinical features  Effect
Author NameAffiliation
欧洪波 刘芳 张宇 何吉琼 王怡丹 遵义市第一人民医院口腔科 
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      目的:调查研究医院口腔颌面部骨折(OMF)患者的临床特征及治疗效果。方法:选取我院2011 年2 月至2013 年2 月期间 收治的OMF患者135 例作为研究对象。对患者临床特征进行全面分析,并根据患者具体情况制定相应治疗方案,分析对比临床 疗效情况。结果:患者男女比例为2.14:1,平均年龄为34.6± 4.2 岁,其中20~30 岁所占比例最高,达42.96%。骨折原因主要为交通 事故,占45.19%。骨折类型以单纯型下颌骨骨折最高发,占46.67%。切开复位并行钛板钛钉内固定较单纯接受钛钉颌间牵引内固 定,前者临床有效率显著高于后者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:OMF高发于男性青壮年,主要骨折原因为交通事故,且以 单纯型下颌骨骨折类型居多,临床治疗切开复位并行钛板钛钉内固定疗效显著优于单纯接受钛钉颌间牵引内固定。
      Objective:To study the clinical features and therapeutic effect on inpatients with oral maxillofacial fractures (OMF).Methods:A total of 135 patients with OMF, who were treated in First People's Hospital of Zunyi from February 2011 to February 2013, were chosen as research subjects. The clinical features of the inpatients were analyzed and the corresponding treatment was formulated according to the specific condition of patients. The clinical effects were compared among the 135 patients.Results:The ratio of male patients to female patients was 2.14:1, the average age was 34.6± 4.2 years old, among which, the range of 20 ~ 30 years old accounted for the highest proportion (42.96%). The major reason of OMF was the traffic accident, accounted for 45.19%. And the major type of OMF was simple mandible fracture, accounted for 46.67%. The effective rate of open reduction combined with titaniumplate and titanium nail internal fixation was significantly higher than that of pure titanium nail intermaxillary fixation,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:There is a high incidence of OMF in young men, the major reason of OMF is the traffic accident, and the major type of OMF is simple mandible fracture The open reduction combined with titanium plate and titanium nail internal fixation has a much better effect than pure titaniumnail intermaxillary fixation in the treatment of patients with OMF.
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