Article Summary
杨敏 杜杰 王绿娅 崔巍 王焕英.医学研究生开展转录组学课程必要性的探讨[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(26):5162-5165.
Investigation of Transcriptomics Courses in Medical Postgraduates
中文关键词: 转录组学  课程体系  研究生  培养
英文关键词: Transcriptomics  Course Design  Postgraduates  Training
Author NameAffiliation
杨敏 杜杰 王绿娅 崔巍 王焕英 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院-北京市心肺血管疾病研究所 
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      转录组学是生命科学领域的一门交叉型、发展快速的前沿性学科。随着高通量测序技术的迅猛发展,在收集、整合及数据挖 掘的基础上全面系统的研究转录组成为可能。目前,利用转录组学的理论及技术研究疾病的转录组信息,系统全面阐明其基因表 达调控规律,构建其基因调控网络,已经成为医学研究领域的热点。通过在医学研究生中开展转录组学这门课程,使研究生掌握 其中的科研思维和方法,帮助研究生更清晰地认识疾病发生发展的分子机制,并通过学习这门课程提高研究生的科研能力和水 平。
      Transcriptomics is a newly emerging research field with interdisciplinary characteristics and rapid advances. With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology, it makes study transcriptomics in the overall system possible that depends on the collection, integration and data mining. At present, elucidation of gene expression and construction of the gene regulatory network have already become the focus of medical research through the theory and technology of transcriptome information. To help the postgraduates clearly understand the molecular mechanism of disease development, it is necessary to offer transcriptomics courses in medical postgraduates. Transcriptomics will be a powerful method to investigate the pathophysiologic mechanism and find the novel treatment of disease, which contributes to improving scientific research ability of the medical postgraduates.
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