Article Summary
罗阳 李莉 孙源 彭南妮 刘见桥.激活处理对人卵子和早期胚胎ATP 含量影响的初步研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(30):5839-5842.
激活处理对人卵子和早期胚胎ATP 含量影响的初步研究
Investigation of the ATP Content in Human Unfertilized Oocytes andEarly-stage Embryos after Activation
中文关键词: 未受精卵子  早期胚胎  卵子激活  ATP含量
英文关键词: Unfertilized oocyte  Early-stage embryo  Oocyte activation  ATP content
Author NameAffiliation
罗阳 李莉 孙源 彭南妮 刘见桥 广州医科大学附属第三医院生殖医学中心广东省生殖医学重点实验室 深圳市第五人民医院生殖医学中心 
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      目的:探讨激活处理对人未受精卵子和早期胚胎三磷酸腺苷(ATP)含量影响。方法:收集辅助生殖治疗周期中体外受精(IVF) 以及单精子卵母细胞浆内注射(ICSI)时的未受精卵子(包括GV 期、MI期、MⅡ期卵母细胞),以及早期胚胎(2-cell 、4-cell胚胎),采 用生物化学发光法测定在未处理和进行激活处理后的ATP含量。结果:①未处理的GV期、MI期、MII期卵子和2-cell、4-cell 期 胚胎的ATP 含量分别为1.14± 0.15、1.41± 0.14、1.45± 0.12、1.61± 0.25、2.05± 0.23 pmol,激活处理后GV 期、MI 期、MII 期卵子 和2-cell、4-cell 期胚胎的ATP 含量分别为1.60± 0.17、1.86± 0.25、2.06± 0.38、2.26± 0.53、2.55± 0.46 pmol;②激活处理后GV 期、 MI期卵子的ATP 含量显著性高于未处理组(P<0.05)。结论:人GV期、MI期、MII期卵子和2-cell、4-cell期胚胎中ATP含量逐渐 增加;经激活处理后,仅GV期、MI期卵子的ATP 含量有显著性变化。
      Objective:To investigate the impact of activation to the ATP content in human unfertilized oocytes and early-stage embryos.Methods:The unfertilized oocytes (include germinal vesicle, metaphase I, metaphase II oocytes) and early-stage embryos (include 2-cell, 4-cell embryos) from IVF and ICSI in assisted reproduction cycles, were detected by ATP-bioluminescence assay to analyzed the ATP content before and after activation.Results:① The ATP content of human GV, MI, MII oocytes and 2-cell,4-cell embryos in untreated and activated group were 1.14± 0.15, 1.41± 0.14, 1.45 ± 0.12,1.61 ± 0.25, 2.05 ± 0.23 pmol, and 1.60 ± 0.17, 1.86± 0.25, 2.06± 0.38, 2.26± 0.53, 2.55± 0.46 pmol. ② The ATP content of GV and MI oocytes in activated group was significantly higher than that in untreated group (P<0.05).Conclusion:The ATP content of human GV, MI, MII oocytes and 2-cell, 4-cell embryos is keep increasing; Only the ATP content of GV and MI oocytes after activation treatment were significantly higher than the untreated group.
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