Article Summary
邹海淼 辛雪 孙伟 赵琳静 杨宜婷 赵爱华 邱明丰.肾阳虚生化指标的现代研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(30):5989-5993.
Recent Advances of the Biochemical Indicators in Kidney-yang Deficiency
中文关键词: 肾阳虚  生化指标  综述
英文关键词: Renal deficiency  Biochemical indicators  Review
Author NameAffiliation
邹海淼 辛雪 孙伟 赵琳静 杨宜婷 赵爱华 邱明丰 上海交通大学药学院 无限极(中国)有限公司上海工程技术大学化学化工学院 
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      肾阳虚证是一种虚寒证候,其病因主要为肾阳虚衰、肾脏温煦、气化功能下降等,常见于西医的慢性肾炎、肾上腺皮质功能 减退、慢性前列腺炎、肾病综合证等慢性虚弱性疾病。它作为中医理论体系中的重要证候之一,已有几十年的研究历史。在该证的 动物模型、作用机理、基因表达、代谢组学等研究中,曾采用下丘脑- 垂体- 靶线轴功能、免疫系统、肾功能、能量代谢、环核苷酸、 核苷酸系统变化、自由基代谢、细胞信号系统、特殊蛋白功能等作为主要评价指标。但尚未有公认、规范的肾阳虚生化指标评判标 准。本文以肾阳虚生化指标为分类依据,全面总结以不同生化指标为检测依据的肾阳虚症的相关研究情况,为今后肾阳虚症的深 入研究提供一定的参考。笔者认为代谢组学以先进分析检测技术结合模式识别等分析方法,对生物体内代谢物进行定量分析,可 以有效提高诊断的科学化、定量化,避免人为主观因素的干扰和不确定性,可以为证候标准化的研究提供一种可行的方法。
      Kidney Yang deficiency syndrome is caused by kidney Yang deficiency and mal-nutrition, which is a kind of deficiency-cold syndrome. It is widely observed in asthma, diarrhea, edema, uroschesis, erectile dysfunction, leucorrhea, consumptive disease, chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, chronic enteritis, hypocorticalism and chronic heart failure. As one of the important syndrome in TCM theoretical system, the researches have lasted for several decades. In the researches of its animal model, mechanism, gene expression, metabonomics, the functions of hypothalamus-pituitary-targeted axis, renal, immune system, Specific Proteins were widely used as the evaluation index as well as the energy metabolism, cyclic nucleotide system, free radical metabolism and cell signal transduction system. However, there are no generally accepted standardized biochemical indicators of kidney-yang deficiency. This paper summarized the recent advances in the biochemical indicators of kidney-yang deficiency, and provides a new clue to the further research into kidney-yang deficiency. The author thinks metabolomics as a scientific, quantitative analysis methods, which use the advanced analytical techniques and pattern recognition methods. It can effectively avoid illness subjective factors of uncertainty as a research method.
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