Article Summary
孙文杰 葛红岩 赵楚楚 杨章晖 刘平.自噬在晶状体发育及白内障的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(30):5998-6000.
Autophagy in Lens Development and Cataract
中文关键词: 自噬  晶状体  白内障
英文关键词: Autophagy  Lens  Cataract
Author NameAffiliation
孙文杰 葛红岩 赵楚楚 杨章晖 刘平 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
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      自噬,或细胞自我消化,是参与蛋白质和细胞器降解细胞途径。晶状体是由一层晶状体上皮细胞及一系列正在分化的纤维 细胞组成,纤维细胞发育通过线粒体、细胞核等细胞器退化完成的。在晶状体中,自噬在晶状体纤维细胞成熟,构成无细胞器区 (organell-free zone,OFZ)的过程中,起着重要在作用。很多的研究证明对Atg5,Vsp34,FYCO1等基因在维持晶状体透明性中的作 用进行了讨论,并且在晶状体上皮细胞,未成熟纤维细胞中证实自噬小泡的存在。本文旨在概括目前自噬的研究进展,重点介绍 自噬与人晶状体发育及其与白内障形成机制的研究进展。
      Autophagy, or cellular self-digestion, is a cellular pathway involved in protein and organelle degradation. The eye lens consists of a layer of epithelial cells that overlay a series of differentiating fiber cells that upon maturation lose their mitochondria, nuclei and other organelles.In the lens, autophagy plays a critical role in lens fiber cell maturation and the formation of the organelle free zone. Numerous studies delineating the role of Atg5, Vsp34 as well as FYCO1 gene in maintenance of lens transparency are discussed,and the presence of autophagic vesicles in lens epithelial cells, immature lens fiber cells are demonstrated.This review provides an overview of autophagy in lens,and focuses on how autophagy contributes to lens development and cataract formation.
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